Blogger Tricks Animal Jam Graphic Central!: Logos & Misc. Icons!

Logos & Misc. Icons!

Welcome to the Logos & Misc. Icons graphics page! Here you can find all the graphics of logos or icons that AJGC has collected so far! These graphics have the same policy as all the others- credit must be given to the creator of the graphic if it says "by ....." underneath it. Otherwise, you can use it without credit if you like!
Tip: To find the graphics you want faster, use the command Command-F or Control-to bring up a search bar at the top of your screen. You can search any topic of graphic that you want, and if we have it, it should bring you to the area where those graphics are located.  

Animal Jam Logos

Beta & Current

By numnum13 

By numnum13 

By numnum13

By numnum13 

By numnum13 

By numnum13 

By numnum13 

By numnum13

Icons & Items

By numnum13

by awesomepanda868 (no credit needed)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit needed)

by nafaria9

By numnum13

By numnum13
by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

By numnum13 

By numnum13 

By numnum13 

By numnum13 

By numnum13

by purplestarclub

by purplestarclub

by purplestarclub

by purplestarclub

by purplestarclub

by purplestarclub

by purplestarclub

by purplestarclub

by purplestarclub

by vms915

by vms915

by vms915

by vms915

by numnum13

by nafaria9

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868


Emojis used in the AJ chat!

(some higher resolution emojis below)


  1. Blue Vines Flooring Graphic maybe?

    1. could you make a smoothie graphic? like the smoothies you see next to your animal from captain melville's juice hut :)

  2. Best Dressed graphic perhaps? c:

    1. Do you mean the actual game item that you can buy to put in your den? That's a great idea--I'll ask some of the other contributors if they can perhaps create an entire library of game item graphics! ^.^

  3. Im going to use a couple... I will give credits! :)

  4. Replies
    1. We have all of the emote graphics in one of our first posts! Try searching for "emote" in the search bar and see what you can find! :)

  5. Hi Panda! Its me Jadesauce :O
    Long time not see X3 Congrats on the blog. You deserve it!

  6. Please do the den icon and the trading icon!! I have been looking for them FOREVER and I can't find ANY!

  7. Since several of you have been asking, the trading icon and den icon are now up! They can both be used without credit. :)


  9. Replies
    1. We actually do have a laptop graphic somewhere in one of our graphics posts. Try searching for the word "laptop graphic" in our search bar and you should find something useful!

  10. Hi! Sorry to be a bother again, but really, how do you use these? Is it possible to put one on a blog? Thanks!

  11. Is there a graphic for all of the emotes that jammers can do in jamaa? If so thats awesome!! and where can i find them? If not, i'm sure alot of people like me could use it for thumbnails and such, i'd be glad to even help make it a thing!

    1. Search "emote graphics" in the search bar to find a post that has the emotes. I'll add them to this page soon though, because several people have asked for them.

  12. I'm so happy you added the Aj's emoji graphics!! They are such a great help!!
    Thank you SOOOOO much!!

  13. could you make them all PNG/JPG/GIf please? i keep encountering txt documents that i can't open :(

    1. I'm sorry, but no. Changing all of them would take a really long time, and I just don't have that sort of time unfortunately.

      However... To open a .txt document, simply right click on the image and select "Save As" and then change the ending tag to .png instead of .txt!

  14. Can u do a gasping emoji pls x3

    1. I'm sorry, I must have forgotten to add the gasping emoji! >.< It is added now (in higher resolution than the other emotes!), as well as 2 other higher resolution emojis.

  15. i need some help adding amojis and stuff to my blog. please help me y commenting

  16. Some higher resolution emotes? Maybe angry faces? Definatly using these!

  17. Can you add the diamond plaques next Thank you so much :)
    <_> CUDDLY6342

    1. Panda you didn't type the name of the person who made the AJ CHAT EMOJIs

    2. They were found on AJHQ's blog, so I guess you could say that AJHQ made them? But they don't really require credit, so they can be considered a "no credit required" graphic.

  18. Ahhh i love this blog so much it's perfect for thumbnails or simply plain resources~ mind if i use a graphic for a video? i'll give credit :3 thanks!

    1. OMG Thank you so much! <3<3<3
      Of course you can! ^.^

  19. This is like the best graphic place whatever ever :o Love it :D

  20. Thx so much for putting the time and effort into these graphics. I'm getting a YouTube channel and I'll definitely advertise for this blog. -akmlynx
    PS I ordered a signature on the commissions pg

  21. Since I am a youtuber and I use these, can I just link the blog in the description instead of trying to give credit to every one I use lol?

  22. hey, am i allowed to use this as thumbnail pictures?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


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