Blogger Tricks Animal Jam Graphic Central!: Sending in Graphics!

Sending in Graphics!

Part of our site is the fact that viewers can submit graphics to us to be featured on the blog. Please read the following information (and make sure that you graphic follows the criteria) if you would like to send in graphics:

- It must be appropriate, you cannot submit inappropriate graphics. If you do, you will not be allowed to contribute to the AJGC's graphic collection anymore, and it will not be featured.
- Unfortunately  this blog currently only accepts Animal Jam graphics, but we might accept more varieties of graphics some day!
- You must be okay with people using your graphic, with credit of course, on their own site/blog.
- If you have made a private artwork or graphic for someone, you cannot submit it without their permission. 
- You cannot submit graphics that were made by someone else.

Have fun! Don't feel like this is an obligation, it is merely optional for those who wish to participate!

Watermarking your graphic might be a good idea, especially if you are not sure that you want to risk people using your graphic without credit.

I hope you can send in some beautiful graphics soon!


  1. Replies
    1. Try checking out this tutorial:
      How to Make a Graphic Tutorial
      I hope this helped! And sorry for the late response. >.<

  2. and also, what program do you use?

    1. I use Pixlr to make graphics! Use the paint bucket tool for white background graphics, and the eraser tool for transparent graphics. If you like, I can post a video tutorial!

    2. Please post a video tutorial!!

  3. Can I submit graphics that I drew myself of an AJ creature? Because I have a nice pic of a phantom I'd like to send in, but it looks totally different from AJ phantoms.

  4. Hey Panda, outlook wont work for me so is there any other way i can submit my graphics?


    I got the finished background for the Wild Explorers Tent if you want to upload that.


Hi guys! I am so happy you've decided to share your opinions on AJGC! Make sure to read/follow the following bullets:
- You guys probably know- no swearing, not even ***, no mocking or making fun of others and no judging.
- Free commenting (no moderation) is a privilege, if I see 1 inappropriate comment, comment moderation is turned on for all of you, sorry, I just don't want this to be an unsafe environment.
- If you are caught being mean to another viewer, you will have all of your comments deleted. You only have 2 chances before you are banned from ever having your comment appear again on the blog.
- I have absolutely no problem with you advertising your own blog/site in the comment section, I just request that you write an actual comment about the post or page before advertising your own site. Flat out advertising comments will not be deleted, but they make the comment area more of a spammy place- get what I mean?
- Please do not request diamond or membership codes. If you are looking for gem codes, then make sure to check out our Codes page. But if I catch you threatening another jammer, demanding a membership or diamond code, I will turn on comment moderation.
- When commenting anonymously, you must sign your username.
Sorry if these rules sounded harsh, I'm sure most of you already know the commenting rules, they are virtually the same for every blog.
Happy commenting!