Blogger Tricks Animal Jam Graphic Central!: Conservation


Animal Jam Headquarters (or AJHQ) has always helped animals and habitats and conserved and protected some species! With the help of jammers, AJHQ has saved OTTERS, a PANDA and BIG CATS! And as much as some of us don't like the nonmember-member differences and privileges, a portion of every membership fund goes to save big cats! 

Otter Challenge 

National Geographic saved 3 otters after 5,000 jammers accepted the challenge to be an otter and do a silly dance at the summer carnival!
Here are some pictures of the otters National Geographic adopted from this challenge!

Panda Challenges

On October 26, 2014, jammers helped save a real panda! 5,000 jammers went to the Spooky Party, dressed their panda up in spooky outfits and said "Let's Save a Real Panda, Jammers!"
Teamed up with Girl Scouts, AJHQ rescued a real-life panda from the endangered species of Giant Pandas! Yay!

Another panda challenge that AJHQ hosted was when pet pandas first came to Jamaa! If 50,000 pet pandas were adopted by January 22nd, 2014, AJHQ would adopt a real panda! Jammers didn't just reach the 50,000 milestone, they went above and beyond and adopted 85,000 pet pandas!

Big Cats

Although AJHQ has not hosted a full-on challenge for the big cats, they constantly support them! A portion of all membership funds are sent to the Big Cats Initiative

Guess what! You can help AJHQ achieve the goal of helping animals! Just copy and paste one of the following codes into an HTML/Javascript code on your site! They are pre-linked to an organization working to help that animal!

Help save big cats!

Donate to WWF to help save pandas!

Save a Polar Bear!


  1. Remember to add the new panda challenge!

  2. AJHQ also adopted a panda when they asked jammers to adopt pet pandas a long time ago.

  3. I thought the title was Conversations. XD -d66864 on AJ

  4. @Lovely & Camp
    I'll add that!

    1. We should have a conversations page. Or at least bring the chatbox back. Why'd you delete it in the first place

    2. Because it was full of spam messages.

    3. Eh, knowing my crazy self, I'd prob spam it too XD -D6

  5. the wild cats photo did,nt show up on my screen


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