Blogger Tricks Animal Jam Graphic Central!: Den Tips!

Den Tips!

Ever been stuck on how to decorate your den? I know I have. :T Well, look no further! Below are some amazing tips on designing your den! Feel free to use them in your own den, but if you redistribute them (share them on your blog/social media, tell your buddies about them etc.) please give credit or link back to this blog. ^.^

Non-Member Ivy Doorway

You can add a very nature-y atmosphere to your den by using this ivy doorway! The best thing is, that it is non-member and super easy!

What You Need:

(2) Wall Ivy   found in Treetop Gardens

Non-Member Banquet Counter

If you and your buddies are feeling hungry for a treat, sit down at this neat banquet! This plentiful arrangement of food is completely non-member and is a cool way to decorate your den!

What You Need:

(2) Salon Chair (alternative: Diner Stools)   found in Jam Mart Furniture
(2) Pi Pie   found in Jam Mart Furniture (limited time item)
(2) Tea Cup   found in Jam Mart Furniture
(2) Painted Pot   found in Jam Mart Furniture
(2) Tiny Shelf   found in Jam Mart Furniture
(1) Cactus Plant   found in Treetop Gardens

Phantom Factory

Looking for a spooky den design? This Phantom Factory setup will make your den quite a fright!

What You Need:

(2) Golden Phantom   found in Diamond Shop
(2) Phantom Watcher   earned in Great Escape
(2) Phantom Goop   earned in Search for Greely
(1) Phantom Cog   earned in Great Escape
(1) Greely's Blackboard   earned in Greely's Inferno


  1. Can you add the meditation room? And btw, say Note from d66864, you can use a cherry blossom tree from epic wonders if the seasonal tree in my picture is not pinkish. Say that at the end if you do. -d66864 on AJ

    1. Pandie, did ya get this, Pandie? -d66864 on AJ

    2. I don't see my den on there -d66864 on AJ

    3. I know, because I haven't gotten around to it yet. >.< I will put your den on the Epic Dens page, when I make one.

    4. oh ok thx -d66864 on AJ

  2. Wow, nice tips! I like the phantom factory! ^-^

  3. luv the phantom one! I have everything except the things u collect from adventures :(

    1. Thank you! I'll be publishing some in-depth adventure guides soon, so you can check those out to figure out how to easily find the items that you're missing!
      Thanks for stopping by my blog! ^.^

  4. Add more please! -D6 ( remember D6 is d66864? plus sorry I haven't been commenting XD )

  5. Aww, cute den tips! I have some tips up my sleeve! Try visiting one of my dens when you're on! ^-^

  6. Hi Panda! I love your blog!!! ♥


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