Blogger Tricks Animal Jam Graphic Central!: Pearl Bracelet + Friday Fun!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Pearl Bracelet + Friday Fun!

Hi jammers! Ahh... so overjoyed that it is finally Friday! Also, (I know I've been saying this a lot) I might change the blog template this weekend. Maybe.

Anywayyyy... the new item is the pearl bracelet in Jam Mart Clothing!

This item is so darn cute! I love the beautiful pastel colors it comes in, the roundness and cuteness and bubbliness of the beads and how it goes well with practically everything! ^.^ Too bad the bracelets are for members only and are a little on the expensive side of things.

Today I'll be posting some outfit ideas for the Friday Fun!

Here are the outfits!

Delicate Daffodil

The Essence of Spring

Purple Style

Pretty in Pink

Soft Peach


Hope you liked those! ^.^

Have an amazing Friday, everyone! :D



  1. I like the soft peach outfit the most. <3

  2. Good job on the outfits! So cute! I thought I saw the braclet yesterday though. -d66864 on AJ


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