Thursday, March 31, 2016


Here is your sig:

Hope you like it!



Here is your signature (sorry it took so long; so much homework recently D:<)...

Hope you like it! <3 p="">


Jamaa Journal Graphics!

Hey jammers! Here are some new graphics I whipped up:

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

I hope you liked those! However, they must be used with credit!

I also found it super neat that AJ included some more HIGH-RESOLUTION emoticons in their Jamaa Journal this time, so we can finally have some higher-quality emoticon graphics 'round here! :P

Plus, we're SO close to 100,000! Just 500 more views by the end of today, guys! WE CAN DO IT! :D

Bye! Have a great Thursday! (Currently swamped by homework and big-time procrastinating! :P) One day closer to FRIDAY!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Animal Jam Quiz: Which AJ Animal Are You Most Like?

Hey jammers! Panda here with a super fun little quiz!

Which Animal Jam animal are you most like?

Answer the questions below to find out!

Ready to find out your results? Look down below!

I hope that you enjoyed that quiz, and if you'd like to see more in the future, make sure to let me know some future ideas you'd like to see made into quizzes! So far, I think I'll make one about the alphas next, but I'd love to hear your ideas for some future quizzes!

Make sure to comment down below which animal you got! I'm actually a mix between the koala and the panda, funnily enough. :P


We're so close to 100,000 views! At 99,100 at the time of this writing!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Flash posting.

I'm posting a lot because I can, and because I'm bored D: But I'm happy listening to P!ATD

Here, have some credit free graphics, perfect for blogs, freshly made.

So close to 100,000 VIEWS! Plus a no-credit graphic!

Hey jammers!

I just checked the views counter, and LOOK AT THIS!

We're so close to 100,000!

There are 3 days left in March (not counting the rest of today, March 28th) and if we can get to 100,000 by the end of March (in terms of AJGC blog time--see sidebar if you're not in the EST time zone!) I'll host a little giveaway, and perhaps even post a party!

And here's a little graphic I whipped up of the "Videos" sign in Brady Barr's theater!

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

But until later (or tomorrow!), have a great day/night! I'm working on some new content for the blog that I hope you'll enjoy! It's a little different than what I've done in the past on the blog, but if you've been paying careful attention to the posts going up here the past couple of weeks, you may have an idea of what I'm working on... ;D



Hey jammers! Panda here!

Here is Cooky's (Do you mind if I call you Cooky? Or would you prefer "Cupcake"? XD) commissioned header:

I hope that you like it! The Paper Banner font looked a little odd and strange when it was all black, so I added in pops of subtle color with the "+" signs! I hope you don't mind... I know you said that you wanted an all-black color scheme but I hope this is okay!


Fashion Tuesday! (Well its Tuesday for me anyway)

Today with Svans, I have some awesome store bought outfits! :crowd cheers: These are some stylish looks for the more unrare jammers out there. (Some items may not be in stores but are very easy to obtain by trading.)

The outfits materials are....

Sorry that this one isn't in stores, but it's easy to get.
Peace out fashionistas! 
<3 Svans

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Here is your commission of Cherryfizz44's bunny: (Cosmic Cheetah made it!)



Edit / Animal Graphic Requests!

Happy Easter everyone! For the next 2 weeks if people post AJ photos of their animal on Google+ on either the Animal Jam Graphic Central community or the Animal Jam community which is run by Snowyclaw Jamaa! Make sure you tag me in the photos with +Svanthemaster AJ .

You can take any photos, it doesnt even matter if they are on a green/white background or not. If you want a specific background I will be happy to do some photoshop (It wont be very good though). I can also add text and add any pre-existing graphics on this website.

Please be specific with what you would like. If you do not like the edit I will only do them once, as it may take some time if it is very detailed. Here is what an example could look like.

(On google+)
Please make the background a nice garden and remove the emoticon and name. Thankyou!

I hope everyone enjoys this idea!


Happy Easter!

Hey jammers!


Make sure to leave down in the comments below what you got for Easter (whether it be chocolate or toys!) and what you're doing today! ^.^



Here is the graphic that CosmicCheetah made for you, of your seal! I just touched up the hood part of it with Photoshop because it was cut out of her program:

I hope that you like it!


Friday, March 25, 2016

Shutter Shades + Den Ideas for NM!

Hey jammers! Here is my post on the Animal Jam Comet from today:


Hey jammers! It's Panda here!

I hope you're all having a great Friday!

Today's new item is the shutter shades!

There may be other new items today, but I was extremely busy today and don't really have time to check! Sorry! D:

Also, for today's den idea, I have an idea for a completely non-member table.

I've always found it hard to locate a non-member table that was big enough to hold all of the items I wanted it to hold. However, after rearranging some of the Pi Day items, I noticed that grouping the pi tables together formed a large table!

So, if you have any tables left over from Pi Day, try grouping them together to form a unique and completely customizable table!


Have a great day, everyone! Hope you enjoyed that!


Thanks again for the signature, Cosmic!

Apologies o_o

Sorry I haven't been posting! I will make a more detailed post very soon. Love ya all, have a great holidays.

<3 Svanthemaster

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Daffodil Stool + March Madness Sale + NM Outfit for Panda!

So I post on Wednesdays and Fridays on Cosmic's new blog, The Animal Jam Comet, so I decided I would paste my posts on there on this blog as well so that those of you who don't yet follow Cosmic's blog (which you totally should, by the way!) can still learn some of the updates happening around Jamaa!
Well, here's the post I wrote on Cosmic's blog today! (Or click here to read it on The Animal Jam Comet!)


Hey jammers! It's Panda here!

Happy Wednesday!

Today's new item is the daffodil stool:

This stool comes in several different colors, but what's odd about this item is that only the petals change color, and not the actual orange center.

I'd rate this item a 2 out of 5 stars, especially since it's only for members. D:

Also, apparently AJHQ is hosting a March Madness shop sale! I think this means that you can get special discounts on items like memberships, diamonds and gems.

I don't remember AJ doing this last year, but if they did, someone please correct me. :)

And for today's Everyone Outfit Wednesday, I have a panda outfit for all jammers! ^.^

I've always struggled with finding cute outfits for pandas, as it seems AJ makes almost every item look bulky or unattractive on pandas. :( However, I found this outfit to be really cute! ^.^ All you'll need is:

a blue gingerbread hat
a blue ribbon scarf
a blue holiday sweater 

Of course, you can change this up to be pink-themed, purple-themed or some other color-themed. I just chose blue because I thought it looked really calm. :)

Have a lovely day everyone! 



I hope you enjoyed that! ^.^ The panda outfit really is cute, in my opinion. :)

Since I don't do regular updates posts on here anymore, I figured this was a nice balance! 

Comment down below what animal you'd like me to create an NM outfit for next!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What To Do When You're Bored On Animal Jam...

Hey jammers! Panda here...

Today I'll be sharing some simple activities to do on Animal Jam when you're bored! ^.^ I actually came up with all of these myself earlier today... while I was super bored on AJ! XD #theirony

But without any further ado, let's get on with this post!

#1: Trade

This may seem like an obvious one, but simply going to Jamaa Township, a party, a famous jammer's den, or even hosting a trading party at your own den, and looking around for some good trades can make sure that you aren't bored! Just make sure to trade fairly and keep on the lookout for scammers! ^.^

#2: Decorate Your Den

Another one of my favorite activities is den decorating! Even if you're a non-member like I am, you can surely find some neat den items lurking somewhere in your inventory!

But if you're struggling to find some good den setups, check out our Den Tips! page by clicking here, or look through the righthand sidebar for it! I also post helpful non-member den tips on most Fridays on Cosmic Cheetah's new blog, The Animal Jam Comet!

#3: Host An Event (Party, Fashion Show, Clan etc.)

A great way to pass the time and have fun is to host an event at your den! You can host parties, fashion shows, clans, restaurants and more!

For instructions on how to make EPIC events at your den, click here to check out this post that I wrote about a year ago!

#4: Have a Photoshoot

You can do this activity solo or with a buddy! Dress up your animal and run around Jamaa snapping photos, or even redecorate your den and have a photoshoot there!

You can take pretend photos, or take actual screenshots by pressing the Print Screen button on a Windows computer or by pressing the sequence: Shift-Command-3 on a Mac.

#5: Change Your Outfit

One of my favorite ways to pass the time in AJ is to redress my animal! I find it fun to set little challenges for myself too, like "only using green items," or "only using store-bought items." If you're a member, you can also try to create purely non-member outfits!

If you're simply looking for a fresh new look, check out AJGC's past outfit-related posts by clicking here, or check out my posts on Wednesdays on The Animal Jam Comet!

#6: Play Games

You can browse the fun games in the Sol Arcade, or even set up a mini-arcade in your own den! I like to try to beat my high scores, or see how many gems I can earn within one AJ play session.

#7: Play An Adventure

Check out some of the exciting adventures AJ has to offer! My favorites are Return of the Phantoms Hard Mode (you can actually get some pretty sweet stuff, like fox hats and worns from the end treasure chests!) and The Forgotten Desert! Seasonal adventures are pretty fun too!

#8: Start a Blog

If you're really bored, try starting an Animal Jam blog! You can pass even more time by creating fun pages and posts for your new blog, as well as designing it to your liking! Check out the Blogging Tips and Tricks page on AJGC, our blogging-centered site, or our How to Start an Animal Jam Blog From Scratch series for more direction!

I hope that this list helped you get un-bored!

Have a lovely day! <3 p="">

^ Thanks for the epic signature, Cosmic! ^

Better Gifts From The Daily Spin?

Hey jammers! It's Panda here! ^.^

I'm sure that a handful of you have already figured this out, but for the past week or so, Animal Jam has implemented a new set of gifts for when you land on the gift icon in the Daily Spin.

If you've been following along with the AJ YouTube community for awhile, then you may have also heard that Aparri's video helped push AJHQ to make this change!

I think this is a really awesome addition to the game, and not just because jammers can now get much better items from the Daily Spin! As Aparri said in his video, it also shows that we can actually help AJHQ make changes to the game.... which is pretty flippin' awesome!

Have a great day everyone! And don't forget to keep on telling AJHQ some suggestions for improving the game... it turns out that they actually listen!


Monday, March 21, 2016

How to Create Epic Animal Jam Graphics : Part 3

Hey jammers! It's Panda, with the 3rd installment of the How to Make Epic Animal Jam Graphics 20-part series!

Make sure to check out the introductory post for a refresher on what this series is, as well as the first segment of the series, and the second segment of the series!

Today we'll be covering how to use the instant alpha tool on a Mac to create super quick and easy transparent graphics. I know that several of you have Mac's, and since I too own a Mac and know a couple of handy tricks on how to use it, I thought I'd share them with you! ^.^

Also, I'm sorry that this tutorial isn't too much of a help for those of you who own PC's or other non-Mac computers. However, there are some tips later on in the tutorial that may help some of you who use Photoshop or Pixlr's selection tool.

Ready to start learning?

Okay, let's get started! :D



You'll need to open up Mac Preview. (Here's a handy tutorial on how to do that!)


To create a graphic using this method, you'll want to follow the below steps:
  • Take a screenshot on a non-busy background somewhere in Jamaa.
  • Open up your screenshot in Preview.
  • Then, click on the little toolbox icon to the left of the search bar. 

  • Now, select the "Instant Alpha" tool, which you'll see is represented by a wand-like icon. 

  • Then, drag your mouse around the background of your image. Unfortunately, I lost the screenshot in which I showed this step, but you'll find that the areas you select turn red.
  • With most non-busy backgrounds, you'll find that all the areas in the background that you want to delete will be selected by this tool. If some areas are left out, then you might have to go in with the lasso tool (also found in Preview) or with an eraser brush in Pixlr or Photoshop.
  • Once your background is selected, it will be surrounded in a dotted line. Press the Delete key to remove what you have selected (NOT the Crop button!).

  • Voila!


You'll see the rest of this series coming up in the next few weeks. But here's the schedule again real quick so that you can see what other goodness is coming up:

Day 3: Using the Instant Alpha Tool on a Mac to Get Transparent Graphics  (that's this post!)
Day 4: Using Pixlr to Create Transparent Graphics
Day 5: Using Photoshop to Create Transparent Graphics
Day 6: Creating Colored Background Graphics
Day 7: Using Filters to Change Colors of Graphics
Day 8: Creating Graphic Manipulations/Posters/Thumbnails etc.
Day 9: Creating Sidebar Images
Day 10: Creating Signatures
Day 11: Creating Blog Headers
Day 12: Creating 'Grab My Button' Codes
Day 13: Picking Color Schemes
Day 14: Creating Gradient Text in Photoshop
Day 15: Using Clipping Masks in Photoshop
Day 16: Selecting the Perfect Graphic-Making Images/Locations
Day 17: Creating Graphics of Animals
Day 18: Creating Graphics of Objects/Animals With Busy Backgrounds
Day 19: My Favorite Fonts to Use When Photo-Editing
Day 20: Ways to Use Graphics

Hope that makes you excited! :D


Make sure to keep on viewing the blog so that we can reach our goal of 100,000 views by the end of March! I know we can do it! We're only ~ 3,000 views away!