Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What To Do When You're Bored On Animal Jam...

Hey jammers! Panda here...

Today I'll be sharing some simple activities to do on Animal Jam when you're bored! ^.^ I actually came up with all of these myself earlier today... while I was super bored on AJ! XD #theirony

But without any further ado, let's get on with this post!

#1: Trade

This may seem like an obvious one, but simply going to Jamaa Township, a party, a famous jammer's den, or even hosting a trading party at your own den, and looking around for some good trades can make sure that you aren't bored! Just make sure to trade fairly and keep on the lookout for scammers! ^.^

#2: Decorate Your Den

Another one of my favorite activities is den decorating! Even if you're a non-member like I am, you can surely find some neat den items lurking somewhere in your inventory!

But if you're struggling to find some good den setups, check out our Den Tips! page by clicking here, or look through the righthand sidebar for it! I also post helpful non-member den tips on most Fridays on Cosmic Cheetah's new blog, The Animal Jam Comet!

#3: Host An Event (Party, Fashion Show, Clan etc.)

A great way to pass the time and have fun is to host an event at your den! You can host parties, fashion shows, clans, restaurants and more!

For instructions on how to make EPIC events at your den, click here to check out this post that I wrote about a year ago!

#4: Have a Photoshoot

You can do this activity solo or with a buddy! Dress up your animal and run around Jamaa snapping photos, or even redecorate your den and have a photoshoot there!

You can take pretend photos, or take actual screenshots by pressing the Print Screen button on a Windows computer or by pressing the sequence: Shift-Command-3 on a Mac.

#5: Change Your Outfit

One of my favorite ways to pass the time in AJ is to redress my animal! I find it fun to set little challenges for myself too, like "only using green items," or "only using store-bought items." If you're a member, you can also try to create purely non-member outfits!

If you're simply looking for a fresh new look, check out AJGC's past outfit-related posts by clicking here, or check out my posts on Wednesdays on The Animal Jam Comet!

#6: Play Games

You can browse the fun games in the Sol Arcade, or even set up a mini-arcade in your own den! I like to try to beat my high scores, or see how many gems I can earn within one AJ play session.

#7: Play An Adventure

Check out some of the exciting adventures AJ has to offer! My favorites are Return of the Phantoms Hard Mode (you can actually get some pretty sweet stuff, like fox hats and worns from the end treasure chests!) and The Forgotten Desert! Seasonal adventures are pretty fun too!

#8: Start a Blog

If you're really bored, try starting an Animal Jam blog! You can pass even more time by creating fun pages and posts for your new blog, as well as designing it to your liking! Check out the Blogging Tips and Tricks page on AJGC, our blogging-centered site, or our How to Start an Animal Jam Blog From Scratch series for more direction!

I hope that this list helped you get un-bored!

Have a lovely day! <3 p="">

^ Thanks for the epic signature, Cosmic! ^

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you're welcome! Also, thanks for pointing out the blog! (The party is tomorrow!) Oh, you gave me a good idea for activities! ^-^


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