Saturday, April 30, 2016

100,000 Views Giveaway! {REPOST!}

Hey jammers!

I'm super sorry about the 100,000 view giveaway... I forgot it was going on until about a week ago. :P

Anyways, in case anyone hasn't entered yet who wants to, this giveaway will be ending on May 5th.

Here is a repost of the giveaway post, in case you missed it!


Hey jammers!

Oh. My. Gosh.

We reached 100,000 views!

:cues hundreds of confetti cannons:

Thank you all so much for your incredible support and kindness! And special thanks to the wonderful authors, commissioners, and regular commentators/viewers!

Also, Dew Drop was kind enough to take a screenshot of the exact views of 100,000! Since I promised a prize to whoever did this, I'll trade Dew something when we're both on at the same time!

I still can't believe that we've reached this milestone... and all in a matter of a bit more than a year!

But there's something else... a 100,000 views giveaway! Yay! :D

Each prize will be given to a different person, and to enter yourself to win one prize, you can comment down below your favorite animal! I'll use a random number generator to determine the winner (by assigning a number to each animal named).

Bye! And thank you all again so very much!


Have a lovely day!

New AJGC Graphic-Making Series!

Hey jammers! Panda here! ^.^

So, the lovely Svanthemaster, a dedicated member of the AJGC Management Team suggested that we host a graphic-making challenge for the members of the AJGC Management Team! I thought this was a great idea, so let me explain it a bit more...

Basically, every week or every other week, each member of the AJGC Management Team would be assigned a different land or adventure in Jamaa. That member would be responsible for making as many graphics as they could of that land and it's landmarks over the course of a week. At the end of the week, all of the graphics would be posted here on the blog, and the person with the most would earn a little prize or something. ^.^

I think this is a great idea, because it'll enable us to sort of "batch" graphics so that we can create a ton of graphics all at once for you lovely people to use. ^.^

What do you think of this idea? Most people in the AJGC Management Team seem to like it, so I'm pretty sure it'll become a thing. :D

Jam on!


Friday, April 29, 2016

Animal Jam Graham's Workshop Graphics!

Hey! Here are some icon graphics from the newest AJ adventure! ^.^

They can all be used with or without credit and have transparent backgrounds. :)

Have a lovely day! And comment down below what graphics you'd like to see next!


Google Plus Commissions!

So, if you didn't know, I recently opened up Google Plus commissions! Basically, I take requests for commissions on Google Plus that are a bit more advanced than the ones I make on here. They cost an item (usually just an RIM or two, but sometimes a beta or larger rare) and consist of things like custom Google Plus covers, YouTube channel art, YouTube thumbnail templates and profile pictures. (Here's the post with more info on these commissions!)

Anyways, I just wanted to post the recent G+ commissions I've done to show y'all. ;)

I'll be posting some fresh AJ graphics soon! :D


Animal Jam Tag!

Hey jammers!

So, I've been a lot more active on Google Plus recently, and I have to admit: it's pretty fun. :P I love chatting with people on there, and I've even opened up a more advanced set of commissions (like YouTube video thumbnails, Google+ covers, YouTube channel art etc.) that cost an item or two over there! You can check out the extra commissions (I give out free ones every once in awhile too :D) by clicking here!

I'll probably be posting sneak peeks of graphics, commissions and other big/fun projects I'm working on for the blog over on G+ now, so make sure to go and follow me if you have a G+ account! :D We can be besties over there. :P

Anyways, I posted a mini 9-question Animal Jam tag over there, and posted my own answers yesterday! (Click here to check out the original post and some of the answers from other jammers!) Here is the tag:

And here are my answers! ^.^

(AJ questions)
1. The panda or the bunny, definitely. ^.^
2. I guess the laughing one?
3. Hmm... WisteriaMoon's videos are pretty funny to watch. XD
4. I guess the party hats, gloves or high top sneakers. :P
("Real life" questions)
1. I have really dark brown hair and I sometimes curl it into waves, but often I'm too lazy so I just brush it and wear it in it's messy straight state.
2. I guess prepare for nerd alert technology or English. :P I love writing, and am interested in technology, so those two are probably my favorites.
3. OMG. Gym... Me in gym class is literally so sad. D: Except in basketball and running... I dominate lol no am OK in those units. :P
4. Writing, blogging, editing, reading and drawing. :D
5. Hmm.. it really depends on the day and the circumstances, but I really can't pass up a good piece of chocolate. But that french fry over there is looking pretty tasty too... #thedilemma

Comment down below your answers to the tag! ^.^ And tell me if you'd like to see more tags like this one! I personally think they're pretty fun, and help people to get to know each other better! :D

Also, I'll be posting some graphics and some examples of some of the G+ commissions I've done later today, so stay tuned! ;)



Thursday, April 28, 2016


Here are your 6 signatures! We can meet up on AJ sometime soon and trade the payment--it can be an RIM or two, it doesn't have to be something too fancy. :) I hope you enjoy! And I look forward to seeing your blog in action again! AJ Cookie was so fun to read! ^.^

I hope you like them! :D


Monday, April 25, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Outstanding Blogs Series: Segment #1!

Hey jammers! Panda here!

I'm thinking of limiting most AJGC posts to just the weekends... I hardly ever have time to write posts on weekdays during the school year. Argh, WHY, SCHOOL? WHY???

So, I asked the members of the Animal Jam Graphic Central Management Team (scroll down a couple of posts to find out how to join!) what epic blogs they've seen and which blogs they'd like featured in this new series: Outstanding Blogs! If you have any ideas for the next segments or any blogs you'd like to see featured, let me know in the comments down below, or join the AJGC Management Team!

Without further ado, let's get into it!


Even though Cosmic just started her blog, The Animal Jam Comet, it doesn't mean that her blog isn't seriously THE BOMB. Lovely edits, useful (and nearly daily!) posts as well as tons of fun features and mini blogs make The Animal Jam Comet a blog you should definitely go check out. Like, right now


The lovely authors over at the AJ Sunshine Blog provide useful content on a regular basis! The many page tabs and fun features to explore make this blog an interesting place to spend time checking out! Go give it a peek!


The Animal Jam Whip is run by the kind and compassionate nafaria9! Naffy (or as some people, call her, Naffy Taffy :P) puts in a ridiculous amount of effort and epicness into her blog posts, and they are always so informative and fun to read! If you haven't ever seen the AJW before, you should definitely go check it out! It's a must read. :)


The Animal Jam Flash has over 1 million views, which makes complete sense, considering the amazing amount of effort and time Meloetta puts into her blog! AJF provides a first look at many of the updates and in-depth information on many glitched, beta and unique items!

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed that! And if you know of any other outstanding blogs you think deserve a shoutout, then comment the blog and the URL below!

Have an epic Sunday! :P


Monday, April 18, 2016


Here are your blog buttons! I sent you the HTML "Grab My Button!" codes via email, but here are the higher resolution versions of the button in case you ever want to do anything with them (like use them for YouTube thumbnails, blog images, Google Plus etc.)....

Enjoy! :)


Sunday, April 17, 2016


Here's your siggy:

Hope I did it right c:

Creepy bunny heads...

The new pixelated bunny heads in the Diamond Shop are literally the biggest, creepiest items I've ever seen on Animal Jam:

I mean, look at the insane scaling! The bunny head is probably 3 times the size of the fox.

When I saw someone with the bunny head on their animal appear in the land I was in, I nearly screamed in fright. :O They're just so creepy looking and HUGE!

Have a lovely day! (And stay safe from the evil, mutant pixelated bunny heads... XD)


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Full collection of spikes!

I've been working hard (Not really) and have made all of the long collar spike graphics and transparent! (yay)

Please credit either myself or the AJGC if you are going to use these graphics ^-^
Have a good day!

(P.S If you are a fan of the AJGC please sign up for the maintenance team, its a great way to meet new people and contribute to the blog!)

AJGC Management Team?

Hey jammers!

So, I was thinking...

I've been awfully busy lately, and I doubt that I'll get any less busy as time and school advances.

And I thought that maybe, if all of us could sort of pool our free time together, perhaps all of us could get done a lot more than just myself.

In comes the (possible... not sure if this will become a real thing yet) AJGC Management Team!

Basically, I'll organize a team base (on a website called Asana) where I can assign tasks to be due on certain days. I'll personally invite some trusted friends and contributors to help out first, but it will probably expand later on. Basically, I can create projects that need to be done by a certain date, and the people who are part of the team can mark them as completed when they are finished. It will help make the AJGC so much more fun and informational for everyone!

Also, as a few extra perks for becoming part of the team, I'll probably host giveaways, parties and give out free commissions to members of the team.

If you're interested in joining the team, make sure to leave your email address and username below! :D


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Chat Box!

Hey jammers! Panda here!

So I was looking at some of the comments on some of the pages, and I came across a few jammers asking when the AJGC chat box would be back!

I had nearly forgotten about it!

For those of you who don't remember what the AJGC chat box was like, it was a chat box I had installed in the blog back when the blog had first started out. I took it down due to spam, but it really was quite a fun little feature. Perhaps we can keep it up on the blog now, and maybe the random spam comments will stop. :P

To access the chat box, scroll down to the bottom of the blog, and you should find the chat box!

In this chat box, you can use all of the Animal Jam emotes as you type! Simply click on the "Smilies" link in the bottom right hand corner of the chat box.

I'm super excited to bring this feature back to the AJGC! I just managed to dig up the HTML code I used for that exact chat box somewhere on my computer! XD

Have a lovely day!


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Batch o' Signatures

I just whipped up 4 signatures (I usually make "batches" of signatures every couple of weeks/months and tend to use that batch, as well as old batches, of signatures for a bit) and wanted to share them with you!

I think they turned our pretty nice! ^.^ I tried to stick with a friendly, hand-written/brush script sort of font theme for this batch of signatures, and they look pretty nice as a group!

Tell me: which one is your favorite?

Have a lovely day!
