Sunday, April 17, 2016


Here's your siggy:

Hope I did it right c:


  1. Hey, Panda? I would love to make a survey for the Animal Jam Comet, but how would I do that?

    1. What exactly do you mean? (Like what kind of survey?)

    2. Like, the survey that I did that response on? The Typeform?

    3. Oh! Well, all you really have to do is set up a Typeform account to create one like the one I have on this blog. But a Google Form would be pretty nifty as well! ^.^ You can add in survey questions relevant to what your survey is about and jazz up the fonts and colors to make it fit your blog! :D

    4. I will make one right now, they seem REALLY cool!

    5. Yup, they're super fun to make! :D

  2. That's an awesome signature, Dew! :D Great job!

    1. Thanks Panda c:

      They're just a lil' bit of text though.

    2. Nonetheless, you did a lovely job. :)

      And I seriously spent the last minute watching your profile picture gif... it's just so cute, and the cat is strangely entertaining. O.o

    3. I used to do that too xD

      I'll probably change it to something that I created by myself later on though. After all, I found the gif on google images.

  3. Wow, in 2 years, you have gotten more than 100,000 views! How did you get so far? Was it advertising? All of the good pages and posts? Commissions? All of the lovely, nice, people? I'm super puzzled!

    1. Yes, I am still sort of in shock over how that happened. XD It's actually only been a year and a half, but it's still pretty crazy. :O

      And I guess it was really just posting every day and opening up the commissions that drew people in. XD I'm not really sure how it happened... in about May 2015 the blog just really took off. :P

      And thank you for the lovely compliments! <3

  4. Thanks so much for making all these siggies for me. You are, honestly, the best bloggers I've seen :)


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