Saturday, April 30, 2016

100,000 Views Giveaway! {REPOST!}

Hey jammers!

I'm super sorry about the 100,000 view giveaway... I forgot it was going on until about a week ago. :P

Anyways, in case anyone hasn't entered yet who wants to, this giveaway will be ending on May 5th.

Here is a repost of the giveaway post, in case you missed it!


Hey jammers!

Oh. My. Gosh.

We reached 100,000 views!

:cues hundreds of confetti cannons:

Thank you all so much for your incredible support and kindness! And special thanks to the wonderful authors, commissioners, and regular commentators/viewers!

Also, Dew Drop was kind enough to take a screenshot of the exact views of 100,000! Since I promised a prize to whoever did this, I'll trade Dew something when we're both on at the same time!

I still can't believe that we've reached this milestone... and all in a matter of a bit more than a year!

But there's something else... a 100,000 views giveaway! Yay! :D

Each prize will be given to a different person, and to enter yourself to win one prize, you can comment down below your favorite animal! I'll use a random number generator to determine the winner (by assigning a number to each animal named).

Bye! And thank you all again so very much!


Have a lovely day!


  1. nafaria9
    My favorite animal is a polar bear!

  2. paypayrod
    Animal: Snow Leopard!

    (I really want the globe, that's my dream beta)

  3. ---USERNAME: Cheetah87516
    ---ANIMAL: Cheetah!

  4. Hi Panda! I haven't seen you in a while and I quit Animal Jam.

    1. Hi Snoodle! :D Long time no see!

      Aww, I was wondering where you went a few weeks back and checked your blog and saw the last post. :( I missed you! D:

      Well, I hope you have a great day and have found new hobbies and fun things you like to do instead of AJ! :D

  5. Hey -- May 6th is when my grade gets to sell stuff -- [grade censored for privacy] Grade Flea Market!

    1. That's awesome! :O I wish my grade got to have a flea market--it would be so much fun!

    2. Yeah, me and my friends are doing chocolate-covered stuff, and me and my mom are doing chocolate-covered pretzels, I think! It's going to be so much fun! The only bad part is that we have to be at my school's gym ALL DAY and that the funds go to a field trip for my grade which I'm not going to because my cousin's friend was in a cabin that he knew nobody last year!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My username is Loviegirl13, and my animal is a cat. If I win, I'll choose the second item on the first row. Congrats to whoever wins!

  7. My username is kg39638. I met you yesterday X3..
    If I were to win, I would like the 2nd one.
    Whoever wins, I'm happy for you!!!


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