Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Batch o' Signatures

I just whipped up 4 signatures (I usually make "batches" of signatures every couple of weeks/months and tend to use that batch, as well as old batches, of signatures for a bit) and wanted to share them with you!

I think they turned our pretty nice! ^.^ I tried to stick with a friendly, hand-written/brush script sort of font theme for this batch of signatures, and they look pretty nice as a group!

Tell me: which one is your favorite?

Have a lovely day!



  1. I just LOVE the first one! While I'm writing this, I'm working on the commission you ordered ("There is always light at the end of the tunnel.")!

  2. Hey, Panda, I'm working on two mini-blogs, and I don't know what to do for the headers! Do you mind lending me a few ideas?

    1. Hmm... what types of mini blogs are they? (If it isn't a secret XD)

    2. One of them is a contest blog, and the other is a help center.

    3. I suppose for the contest blog, you could use some diamond, gem, ticket, item (like spike collar, nature archway, elf tail armor etc.) and trophy graphics in the header. And for the help center, you could decorate the header with the pencil/paper graphic (found on AJGC's "Contest Blog" sidebar graphic) and/or question mark graphics!

    4. Thanks! I will make them ASAP!

    5. Hey, Panda, if I emailed you my Help Center header, will you be able to insert it onto the blog kinda like yours? I tried to crop mine but I don't think it really works..

    6. I could, but you would also have to add me as an admin to your blog as well. There are some pieces of code that I used to make the AJGC header aligned/sized properly, and I would have to add them via the Template section on your blog which I can't access unless I am an admin. :)

    7. Sure, I can make you an admin!

  3. Panda, can you tell me where the trophy graphics are? I've looked everywhere on the graphics pages >.<

    1. They should be on the Icons page, but if not, I'll add them!

    2. I didn't see them >.<


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