Thursday, September 29, 2016


Today we have an awesome update. I love The Night Of The Phantoms! There was so much added to the game today and it rocks. I'm really excited to discuss this with you. If you haven't logged onto Animal Jam today, DO IT NOW! Jamaa is totally decked out with amazing Halloween decor and you'll love it! Below you can see a gif displaying the various articles included in today's new Jamaa Journal! As you can see, AJHQ was barely able to pack all of the new stuff into each of the pages!

Alright, let's get started! First of all, YOU CAN NOW BUY PHANTOMS AS YOUR PETS! For 3 diamonds you can purchase them at the Diamond Shop. They come in many variations and actually are...well...cute! One thing about them isn't cute though...usually their favorite food is laughter, happiness, etc. Everything good about the world.
but whatever hehehehehe

Second of all, the Epic Haunted Manor is now available for purchase! Make sure to pick up with huge, amazing den which fits perfectly for an awesome Halloween or Night of the Phantoms theme! And if you don't feel like celebrating such a spooky holiday, go ahead and visit the Haunted Forest Party! It's sure to give you the can become transparent!
Plus, there are amazing shops there where you can buy yourself the perfect costume to celebrate, along with some den items that would be great for decorating the Epic Haunted Manor den. To add on, World Animal Day is approaching fast (October 4th) and (sniff) snow leopards are leaving stores soon! But don't worry, with their depart comes the return of polar bears!

And if you thought this update couldn't get any more awesome, some more beloved things besides like everything I mentioned earlier besides the Phantoms (lol) have returned! That includes the pet Adventure, Bitter Sweets (and yes, you can play as a pet Phantom. The cruel reality of our world...) the Phantom Vortex and everyone's favorite little candy bowls scattered around Jamaa! Give 'em a click and you will receive a random virtual piece of candy! 
Oh, and by the way, now every land Adventure can be found in the Adventure Base Camp! This includes the Hidden Falls and the Front Lines are located there, right around where you find the Search for Greely. 
Below it if you're a flying animal you'll get a pretty decent view of a corrupted forest...eek.

Corrupted forests aside, the game icons have also gotten a little makeover and I believe you can now have more than 2 players per game. There wasn't much clarification but I'm hoping that's the case!
And last but certainly not least, there are now tons more names for your animal! THIS INCLUDES KAWAII. I REPEAT, THIS INCLUDES KAWAII. There are now 2.5 million name combinations in the game. By the way, I pretty much made the best AJ name ever.
So that pretty much wraps up this post! I'll see you guys soon, make sure to comment below your thoughts and opinions on this post. Thanks for tuning in, and make sure to come back for more!
Signing off,

Please Read This!

There are some big things I'd like to discuss on the AJGC. First of all, I'd love to welcome a new author, Smartypants AJ! Smartypants already published her very first post which you can find here. I'm so excited to be working alongside such a talented, enthusiastic Jammer!
Besides that, I want to be more realistic and talk about the authors, mainly me though, being so inactive. I know it's a silly excuse but it's the truth, and nothing but the truth. School makes it a lot harder for us to publish a post, especially an entertaining, carefully written, good quality one. We also have extra curricular activities. For example, on Wednesdays, I have cross country, soccer, and I have music lessons! So you probably won't see much of me on Wednesdays.
But for me it hasn't been school's fault that much lately. I've definitely been slacking off and it needs to stop, especially since we're getting close to a certain amount of something. Which leads me to my next topic of discussion; we're getting close to 800 posts!
YEP, this blog that Panda lovingly created will soon contain 800 posts! Cool, right? I can still host the party, I know you probably all don't trust me after last time but I won't let you all down. Details will be further discussed when we actually reach 800 posts. And hopefully, you'll be seeing the 2nd issue of Graham's Gazette soon + maybe, just mayyyybeeee the Great Graphic Making Race?
Anyway, have a great day, and if you took the time to read through that entire post, thank you for your time!

Best regards to all of you,

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Cosmic's Commission Coupon -- 09/25/16

Hey there! It's Cosmic here! Today's Sunday, so here's my Commission Coupon.

And you can choose to redeem it from the Animal Jam Comet (the longer way) or from CosmicEdits (the shorter way).

Anyways, Graham's Gazette is getting wrapped up and we'll be ready ASAP!

But, now that's about it.

Ciao, and Comet On!

(Also, I would like to give a warm welcome to Smartypants AJ!)

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Hi Jammers! I'm a new author here! Let me introduce myself! My name is smartypantsaj21. My Youtube channel is Smartypants AJ! I recently signed up to join the AJGC, and I got accepted, which is super exciting! So, In today's post, i'ts not that long, but I just wanted to thank panda! Its been a dream to get into The AJ Graphic central and I have been using it for ages! I truly love this! You can also follow me on Instagram at smartypantsaj! I can do graphics, intros, outros and much more! Expect a better (more exciting) post later on! That's it for now! Bye jammers! ~Smartypants AJ~
I want to give A HUGE Shoutout to mysticfall AJ! (She also made this banner)

Friday, September 23, 2016

Sorry about the long absence!

Hey jammers! Panda here!

I know it's been ages since I last posted on here (over a month, I believe?), and I've truly missed all of you guys. I have tons of comments to go through and respond to, which I'm looking forward to! :D I'm so grateful that you guys stuck by the blog, even when there wasn't a ton of new content being posted, you still commented and viewed. Y'all are really the best, haha! :)

Unfortunately, I can't say that another absence like this one won't occur again. I'm in a lot of accelerated/advanced classes this year, and the workload is pretty crazy. Since these grades do "count" towards my college and such, I don't want to sacrifice my grades for blogging--even though blogging has and always will be my passion. I'm sorry if that sounds super lame and like a pretty bad excuse, but I really do care about doing well in school, and I just can't have both an active blog and the grades I'd like to get.

On a much happier note... I was featured in Julian2's video the other day! :internally dies: I feel like my purpose in life has now been achieved, haha! :P Seriously, though--like what did I ever do to be so fortunate? Nonetheless, I'm super happy that I got to be featured in his 10 Animal Jam Edits video, and it was a total shock to see my name mentioned alongside darkdog13's and other famous AJ editors. #lifegoals Also, thanks to Cosmic and Swirlshine for letting me know about this!

Oh! I nearly forgot! The September edition of Graham's Gazette will be coming out before the month is over (well... duh, Panda!) and it's super info-packed--I bet you guys will like it.

So yeah... I'd better get going, but I hope this post cleared some things up. I'll be adding some new authors to the blog as well soon, so I hope you will give them a warm welcome when they post!

Have a lovely day! I hope to see you all again soon!


Monday, September 12, 2016

Creative Corner: Week #1

~*~Welcome to a new post on the Animal Jam Graphic Central! Make sure to check out the other posts featured on this blog! Enjoy the article!~*~

Before I commence this post, I'd like to acknowledge 9/11, a tragic event that occurred in 2001 one on September 11th and share condolences with families who lost loved ones to the disaster. (sorry for being late)

On a much brighter note, I've decided to feature an art gallery or creative den each week on the AJGC! In case you haven't noticed, the blog has been a little inactive lately due to school starting, but, you'll definitely still be seeing posts!

Anyway, this week I'll be featuring...Nymphaeaalba's den! This amazing Animal Jam art gallery features tons of beautiful Masterpieces. You'll definitely want to check it out! I'll be showing you 5 of the best Masterpieces. There are a ton more I think are equally gorgeous, but I want to make this a semi-short post. She has one room featuring all of her own artwork (she specializes in fairytale-like drawings) and some are scattered through out the den.

This first Masterpiece by redwing displays a beautiful phoenix, a mythical fire bird creature which you may know from Harry Potter. It is packed with tons of details and the lighting is just...well...amazing!
This second painting by 
xXAuroraSkyXx is amazing and wonderfully detailed. The roses look like a picture and the soothing green colors of the vibrant leaves goes very well with the sunset pink of the roses.
This next Masterpiece, made by midnightshadowcat is of a snow leopard. The position and expression of the snow leopard are so clear. You feel like the snow leopard is right next to you! And the bright green hue of the eyes adds an awesome pop of color.
This spike Masterpiece...or should I say Masterpieces is not the most well drawn or detailed in the entire den although they are quite beautiful. I didn't chose this one for quality, but creativity. The way they lined up the different parts of the spikes is amazing and very precise.
This last Masterpiece by windycityblues is only one of his/her many Masterpieces of a classic/famous painting. She has one of a ballerina (I forget the painting's name), one of Starry Night and this one by Mona Lisa. She likely has more classical paintings. Make sure to check them out!
Tune in next week for another epic den! This one starts with a 't' and ends with an 'a'. It's filled with unique items like den betas and plaques!

~*~I hope you enjoyed the post! Make sure to visit the Animal Jam Graphic Central again for more unique, interesting, and entertaining posts all about Animal Jam!~*~

Best regards,
(sorry for signing out in such a boring way. Gonna make a siggy soon!)

~*~Comment below suggestions for future posts, opinions, etc. Constructive criticism is appreciated!~*~

Sunday, September 11, 2016

CosmicCheetah's Commission Coupon

Hey there Jammers, Cosmic here!! Today is Sunday, so here is my Commission Coupon!

And you can use the CosmicEdits way of redeeming or the Animal Jam Comet's way of redeeming.

Anyways, that's about it!

Ciao, and Comet On.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Pet Commissions!

Hey jammers! Ineffable here.
The new pet trading feature has brought jammers a lot of joy, and I've decided now to do pet commissions! Say you don't have enough gems, or diamonds, or want a promo pet like a meerkat. There are only a few pets I cannot buy, like turkeys but I'm working on trading for some. If you want a pet elephant you will have to wait until I get 2 more diamonds, then I'll be able to get some for gems.

The prices are simple. (By the way, I CANNOT do pet commissions for pets from Animal Jam toys)
-Non-diamond pet: 1 Rare Item Monday
Add accessories: Any item worth about 500 gems.
-Diamond pet: 2 Rare Item Mondays or one small den beta
Add accessories: Any item worth about 500 gems.

Why am I doing pet commissions, you may ask? I want to gather some items to either trade up for a bigger item to give away or just get a ton of smaller stuff to give away.

Comment below your orders, following this form:

Pet type:
Top color:
Lower color/secondary color:
Eye shape:
Any other adjustments:

Thank you!
Signing off,

Thursday, September 8, 2016

`*Animal Jam Social Media Tips*`

Hey jammers! Sorry for taking a sudden week long break...I've just been really busy. Sorry for not announcing it, the majority of us won't be as active because school started (cri). Also, if you don't see much of me in the next issue of Graham's Gazette, don't be surprised 'cause I'm annoying and didn't contribute during my break. I'm going to start working on some new content after this post, apologies to the other authors...

Anyway, this post will be mainly focusing on Instagram and how to have some neat organized feed + good quality pictures. Honestly until this March I had no idea what a theme was so my own feed isn't organized, but I'm starting to clean it and regularly clear out junk.

First of all, let's tackle quality. It's really annoying to see an edit/video/art/whatever kind of post to be all lame and have super low quality so it's all pixel-y and disgusting. Since for my first few months of Instagram I didn't actually have a phone (GASPPPP) I used a TERRIBLE program called 'Gramblr'. I do not recommend it. Even though IG lowers the quality a slight bit anyway Gramblr makes it look super unprofessional. Yes, it does have a few decent editing features but low quality pictures are not the way to go.

What most Animal Jam Instagrammers do is take a screenshot, email/text it to themselves, edit it on their phone (I recommend Phonto, you can find lots of free editing apps) and upload it. You can also edit it on the computer if you're more used to a Pixlr/PicMonkey/Photoshop format.

There are a few Animal Jam Instagrammers known for great editing, for example quotable.aj and xlisaax.aj. They are advanced editors and have been doing it for a while. Please do not ask them for apps, as they mention this a lot and it's sort of annoying for them. If you scroll down a bit in xlisaa.aj's feed you'll find some videos showing what apps she uses + her fonts she uses a lot.

As for themes, maybe do 5-10 posts per theme. A theme is a few posts that are all related; for example, a summer theme, a theme with a certain texture (scratches, blurred, etc.) and a bunch more. If you observe the feed of other jammers you may learn a thing or two.

To be honest, dividers can be optional. They definitely make someone's feed aesthetic and look a lot more organized. Dividers are usually just blank white posts used to separate themes. A lot of times, people will upload one blank white post, then some simple little image in the middle, and then another blank white post.

Finally, captions. You can make captions short or simple, maybe an inspirational quote. Don't forget hashtags! Try to separate hashtags from the rest of the post. Hashtags are essential for getting your account out there.
Here are some common AJ hashtags:
#animaljam #animaljamphotography #animaljamedit #ajhq
There are tons more, just a few quick ones :)

That's all I have today, bye ^-^

Sunday, September 4, 2016

CosmicCheetah's Commission Coupon!

Hey there Jammers, it's Cosmic here, and here is today's Commission Coupon!

And you can choose to follow the AJC redeeming instructions or the CosmicEdits redeeming instructions.

Anyways, that's about it for this short post.

Ciao, and Comet On!