Saturday, September 24, 2016


Hi Jammers! I'm a new author here! Let me introduce myself! My name is smartypantsaj21. My Youtube channel is Smartypants AJ! I recently signed up to join the AJGC, and I got accepted, which is super exciting! So, In today's post, i'ts not that long, but I just wanted to thank panda! Its been a dream to get into The AJ Graphic central and I have been using it for ages! I truly love this! You can also follow me on Instagram at smartypantsaj! I can do graphics, intros, outros and much more! Expect a better (more exciting) post later on! That's it for now! Bye jammers! ~Smartypants AJ~
I want to give A HUGE Shoutout to mysticfall AJ! (She also made this banner)


  1. CosmicCheetah-Not-Signed-InSeptember 24, 2016 at 12:18 PM

    Hi there, Smarty! I'm CosmicCheetah, one of the AJGC's most dedicated author. Nice to meet you!

    - CosmicCheetah, not signed in

  2. Welcome to the community! I hope you have fun blogging! I will be waiting to see alot more :)

  3. Welcome, Smarty!!! I hope you enjoy being an AJGC author! I'm swirlshine, a commenter on this blog, but you can call me Swirl! :)
    I also have a blog of my own, The Weekly Jammer News, and let me tell you, blogging gains you TONS of new friends!
    Hope you have fun blogging!!!! ;)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you all guys! Its truly nice to have a warm welcome!

  5. Hey hey hey Princess in the HOUSE!
    Smarty, welcome to the AJGC! It truly is a great and wonderful community :)
    I'm Princessbg, or my (not real, but my 'animal jam') name is Colleen Candy. I'm the proud author of the Animal Jam Garden (don't confuse it without the "the") and I also write "Isabella's Life" on the Animal Jam Fan Fiction. If you want to view my about me page for my backstory and my AJ family info, be sure to check it out! Once again, we always love new members of the AJGC community!

    Princess outta da HOUSE!

  6. Aww, your so sweet! I will check them out!


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