Thursday, September 29, 2016

Please Read This!

There are some big things I'd like to discuss on the AJGC. First of all, I'd love to welcome a new author, Smartypants AJ! Smartypants already published her very first post which you can find here. I'm so excited to be working alongside such a talented, enthusiastic Jammer!
Besides that, I want to be more realistic and talk about the authors, mainly me though, being so inactive. I know it's a silly excuse but it's the truth, and nothing but the truth. School makes it a lot harder for us to publish a post, especially an entertaining, carefully written, good quality one. We also have extra curricular activities. For example, on Wednesdays, I have cross country, soccer, and I have music lessons! So you probably won't see much of me on Wednesdays.
But for me it hasn't been school's fault that much lately. I've definitely been slacking off and it needs to stop, especially since we're getting close to a certain amount of something. Which leads me to my next topic of discussion; we're getting close to 800 posts!
YEP, this blog that Panda lovingly created will soon contain 800 posts! Cool, right? I can still host the party, I know you probably all don't trust me after last time but I won't let you all down. Details will be further discussed when we actually reach 800 posts. And hopefully, you'll be seeing the 2nd issue of Graham's Gazette soon + maybe, just mayyyybeeee the Great Graphic Making Race?
Anyway, have a great day, and if you took the time to read through that entire post, thank you for your time!

Best regards to all of you,


  1. I like SmartyPants AJ :)
    She's super amazing!

    Also, working on a post displaying all the AJ Artists' tips and tricks, and how they make the art step by step!! It's super long, though..

  2. Awwh, It has been amazing to join! You guys are so kind!


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