Sunday, May 29, 2016

Last Week to Enter My Contest!

Hello! Everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest author, Ineffable of the AJGC Management Team! If you want to join the AJGC Management Team, click here.

Basically, this is the last week to enter my contest, with a theme of underwater. Click the word 'contest,' and you've got yourself the rule post and entry form. Remember, the first prize is a red short-spiked Rare Spiked Collar! I heard that Spiked Collars in any kind are very sought after, so the first-prize must be the 'rarest.'  Never fear, because the second place prize is a red/brown Worn Blanket and the third place prize is a Rare Freedom Glove. Yeah those are pretty bad prizes but I don't really care. I got the Spiked Collar because someone traded me it for my Freedom Flower Crown that I didn't want. 

Anyways, I guess that's it for this post!

Ciao, and Comet On!


  1. Your contest was so much fun to enter! :D If I had had more items that were underwater-themed, I could have pulled off a better outfit, but the challenge that came along with having to use what few items I had was really fun! ^.^

    Enter. Like, right now. >:O It's super fun to put together an outfit, and you can be as creative as you'd like! Plus, you have a chance at winning some epic prizes! :D

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