Monday, May 30, 2016

Adventure Prize Guide Help

Hey, Cosmic Here! Today, I need some help. On my adventure prize guides. The guides will be free to use on the Animal Jam Comet and on the Animal Jam Graphic Central's Adventure Guides page. However, if you are using them for your blog, you must get permission from me, Cosmic, at OR via comments of one of my blogs.

Anyways, this is the text gadget that I just put up on CosmicEdits, Inc.:

"Hello, Cosmic here! You probably know that I've been doing adventure prize guides lately, and I need help with the prizes. This gadget will update when I've gotten one of the few prizes I need, and it will change when I change the Adventure.
TYPE: Hard
-- Phantom King Statue: 0/1
-- Phantom Pod: 0/1
-- Blue Fire Drum: 1/1
If a prize is italicized, that means that I have it and nobody needs to email me a picture of it.

Thanks for your interest in Adventure Prize Guides! I will announce whenever the Adventure Prize Guide page for The Animal Jam Comet opens."
That's only for right now. Once I have a graphic of a Phantom King Statue and the Phantom Pod, I don't need to do The Hive Hard anymore. I can move on to The Great Escape Normal.

Then, that's about it! Happy Memorial Day if you celebrate it! If not, happy Monday.

Ciao, and Comet On!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Animal Jam Fanfiction: Peck's Bell

Peck is one of the sillier Alphas, dedicated to having fun, creating amazing masterpieces, and making music. Though she is most known for her spectacular art, her passion for music has an unknown tale that will be told today.

Take a look at Peck. Do you see the bell clipped on to her ear? This bell has quite the story. You see, when Peck composes a new piece of music, simple or complex, the bell is able to take in the notes and after, whenever the bell moves, the music Peck made plays. Hundreds of Jammers simply follow her when she goes for a morning stroll, watering the luscious patches of carrots in a small garden to hear the beautiful melodies. 

One slightly cloudy day, the bunny Alpha had finished a lovely piece of music and was about to allow her strange bell to absorb it before Cosmo rushed into her workshop with a basket full of medicinal herbs. Their strong scent wafted into the musty room. 

"There are three sick rabbits that need attention later this week. They only let you treat them! After you're finished with whatever you're doing, be sure to have a quick chat with them. These are the herbs you'll need." he explained before rushing out. Peck heaved a sigh before shoving the woven basket next to her art easel. The bell already contained the wonderful music and Peck was excited to let the animals in the Lost Temple of Zios hear it. 

She arrived there quickly, but she walked carefully so the bell wouldn't move while she was arriving. The Alpha then bounded into a cheerful prance and encircled the fallen Zios mask twice. Already, penguins, crocodiles, pandas and more were gathering around to listen. For several minutes, the steady music continued on.

After a while, the ringing of the bell seemed to get quieter and transitioned to a deeper, darker note. To Peck's horror, some of the animals had been lulled by the gentle tones and were sleeping around the Zios mask. A phantom rose out of the ruins, though it wasn't able to shock any of the Jammers due to the fact it was only allowed to go along the boundaries of the circle of ruins.

The music then transitioned completely. A crackling recording came on. A slick, sly voice poured into the air, like oil flowing through the cracks of a rock smoothed out by erosion.

"Greetings, pathetic little animals," murmured the voice. It made everyone shudder, even Peck. She was horrified of what her musical masterpiece had become. "It is obvious who I am," the voice continued. "Aah, being the Phantom King is just so full of pleasure, of luxury...millions of these guys at my service. I just wanted to let you all know, being the nice phantom I am, I wanted to let you know in advance your precious little Jamaa will soon perish." the Phantom King finished, before cackling and ending the recording.

Peck had feared this for so long...
Her music had become corrupted.

...Or is it? Comment below if you'd like a Part 2!

I hope you enjoyed! Please be sure to leave some feedback in the comments below!
Signing off,

Commission Coupon -- CosmicCheetah

Hi! Here is my Commission Coupon:

And you can follow the CosmicEdits redeeming instructions or the Animal Jam Comet redeeming instructions. I would say that the Comet's redeeming instructions are at the bottom of the post, because the new items are first. CosmicEdits's instructions are shorter because it's about the Commission Coupon ONLY.

I guess that's about it. (Click HERE to enter my contest!)

Ciao, and Comet On!

(Thanks for the hex code post over on the AJGC Commissioner Academy, Panda!)

Hey Jammers!

Hello everyone!

You probably haven't noticed yet, but this post isn't being written by Panda or Cosmic. As Cosmic did mention in her most recent post, I am the newest author of this blog!

I would like to introduce you to myself. You can call me Ineffable! I will be posting Animal Jam fanfictions. All fanfictions are appropriate (no gore, cussing, etc.) and of course, Animal Jam themed. I can't guarantee these will be the best pieces of literature you've ever read (which they aren't) so please make sure to comment with feedback! I want to make sure my stories are enjoyed by many.

I also happen to have my own blog, which is the Animal Jam Chronicler, but that's nothing compared to the AJGC! Cosmic also mentioned in her post that I work for the Animal Jam Graphic Central management team! Info on how to join is right here! There are still slots open for new members to join. Trust me, it's a lot of fun and you feel so glad and lucky that you are able to help out Awesomepanda868 and the other authors of the blog!

I don't want to bore you with a lengthy post, so I'll make sure to start working on a new fanfiction for you guys!
(P.S. Thank you Panda!)

Signing off,

Last Week to Enter My Contest!

Hello! Everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest author, Ineffable of the AJGC Management Team! If you want to join the AJGC Management Team, click here.

Basically, this is the last week to enter my contest, with a theme of underwater. Click the word 'contest,' and you've got yourself the rule post and entry form. Remember, the first prize is a red short-spiked Rare Spiked Collar! I heard that Spiked Collars in any kind are very sought after, so the first-prize must be the 'rarest.'  Never fear, because the second place prize is a red/brown Worn Blanket and the third place prize is a Rare Freedom Glove. Yeah those are pretty bad prizes but I don't really care. I got the Spiked Collar because someone traded me it for my Freedom Flower Crown that I didn't want. 

Anyways, I guess that's it for this post!

Ciao, and Comet On!

Saturday, May 28, 2016


I just finished the final touches on your Life of Catcher blog! :D I hope you like it!

I hope you like the above elements and the final blog! :D



Friday, May 27, 2016

Sticky Note Graphic!

Hey jammers! I stayed home sick today, but I'm feeling a lot better now! ^.^

I also have a sticky note graphic from AJ for you, as well! :D

by awesomepanda868

I hope you can put it to good use!



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Giant Den Image! :D

This is definitely something I've been wanting to do for awhile. :P

i have no life


The Great Graphic-Making Race: Round 3

Hey jammers!

So, we're into round three of the new Graphic-Making Race series here on AJGC! If you don't know what this series is, here is the introductory post:

Now that you know what the competition/challenge is, here is the third round of graphics made by the participants of this challenge! :D 

But before we jump right into the graphics, here is a brief overview of the details and requirements for this round of the challenge:

Lands Assigned to Each Member/Participant:
(each member had to make as many graphics as they could from that land, including any and all graphics from that land's shops, landmarks, and buildings--but limiting the graphics made from the land's shop's items to only 3 graphics)

awesomepanda868: Club Geoz & Sol Arcade Ineffable: Jam Mart Furniture, Jam Mart Clothing and Diamond Shop (2 graphics from EACH shop will be counted towards total graphic count) CosmicKitty AJ: Jamaa Township (excluding the interior of any shops/buildings)

Okie, now let's get into the actual graphics! :D


awesomepanda868: Club Geoz & Sol Arcade


Ineffable: Diamond Shop & Jam Mart Clothing & Jam Mart Furniture


Cosmic: Jamaa Township (excluding interior of buildings)

Jamaa Fountain Graphic.PNG
This wonderful fountain changes as the seasons come and go in Jamaa, this view of it in summer and spring, a Clover Fountain around the time of Lucky Day, a spooky centerpiece in Night of the Phantoms, and a fireplace with reindeer decked among it in the Jamaalidays. Good luck finding it! AJHQ also said that the fountain ‘grants wishes,’ but that is not true.

docked boat graphic.PNG
This dock and it’s wonderful boat counterpart take place in one of the various bodies of water in Jamaa Township. If you want to fish, row, or watch your ducky play it’s signature game, then this boat is for you. Try to find what body of water it’s in -- I’m challenging you!

kitty hat graphic.PNG
You would of had a true challenge if I wouldn’t of enlarged this graphic! In Jamaa, this is actually pretty small, so look hard for it! Some people don’t even notice this, but at any view of the front of Jam Mart Clothing you can see multiple clothing items that might be familiar. The Spartan Helmet (or is it the Knight Helmet?), Top Hat, Police Hat, and odd bracelets are also present at the store’s front area. It’s a bit blurry because of how small it was originally, but it still works out, doesn’t it?

LEFT bridge graphic.PNG
This bridge is on ONE of the sides of Jamaa. It leads to either Appondale or Zios, and you can see a bit of what the bridge is behind, but it may not be obvious at first. Jammers like this bridge better than the next bridge for some reason.

RIGHT bridge graphic.PNG
This is the OTHER bridge on the OTHER side of Jamaa. It leads to whatever land that the previous bridge didn’t.

rose graphic.PNG
This graphic can be used for people who like to make nature-y edits. This is near a certain spot where there is a shop and Cosmic likes it because of it’s theme (bolded words are hints). People usually take the rose bush as a hiding spot because bunnies are ‘invisible’ under it.

Appondale sign graphic.PNG
Yup, a sign to _________. And it’s pointing left. That means it must go with the left bridge. But I wonder what bridge above is the left bridge! Hmm…

Zios sign graphic.PNG
Yeah, another sign. And it leads to ___ ____ ______ __ ____! It’s pointing right, so that must mean it goes with the right bridge! Whatever isn’t the left bridge is the right bridge!

spring mira graphic.PNG
This is a pretty obvious one, if I say so myself. She is the sky mother of Jamaa, one of Animal Jam’s mythology, the most-used character in AJ’s lore because Zios was inspired by Incan Mythology. (You can read about it here.) The statue of this beautiful blue heron changes with the seasons, and a tall Phantom statue takes her place at the time of Night of the Phantoms (around Halloween).

buddy sign graphic.PNG
This is a buddy sign. It is located on the outside of the ______ ____. This place USED to be for talking and telling stories to buddies, but now it’s a place to roleplay family. Yeah, this sign is the buddy symbol and it’s found near the Sol Arcade, and the building is across from Club Geoz.

game icon sign.PNG
That is a game sign, right above this text. This place is one of Cosmic’s favorite place, for it’s resemblance of spaceThe newest shop released in Animal Jam was put in this location, the ___ ______.

pillowroom graphic.PNG
Ahh, the ______ ____! It was where the Medical Center was located in the Beta Days. This place was SUPPOSED to be for storytelling, but it later became known as the “Adoption Center.”

jammercentral graphic.PNG
Aah, the central of Jamaa! If you click on the bulletin board, you can view howls, the Art Gallery of featured drawings (you get an artist plaque for getting your art featured!), the newest animal’s video (in the case of 5/19/16, “Ambushed”), and the recent Animal Jam - Play Wild!, Animal Jam’s 3-D app cousin (buddy me on it -- Cheetah87516!), news. This used to be a stone circle in the Beta Days. It is the ______ _______!

velvet line thing graphic.PNG
This, Cosmic doesn’t even know what it’s proper name is. She calls it the velvet line holder thingy. It’s fastened to the ground by Jamaa’s club, Club ____. It isn’t a populated Club.

rug graphic.PNG
This rug is by the velvet line holder thingy that Cosmic put above. For your answer, if any, for this clue, you can number it “#14 + #15” if you wish. This clue and the previous clue have the same answer. The rug is the entryway to ____ ____.

sol arcade graphic.PNG
The ___ ______! This is one of Cosmic’s favorite places in Jamaa, and you get to play games in this area. You can play all of the games in Jamaa, except Spot On.

blanket rack graphic.PNG
rack for blankets, blankets for a rack. The blankets on a rack symbolize the entrance of ___ ____ ________ is near. It is also by the Summer Carnival banner of Jamaa Township.

kimbara sign.PNG
The wonderful _______ _______! It came with the return of koalas on July 25th, 2013. That was about 3 years since we’ve had a new land!

RIGHT banner graphic.PNG
This HAS to be one of the banners on the roof of Club Geoz, I know it! But, is it the left banner, right banner, or the center banner? I don’t know, but it’s definitely on the roof of Club Geoz!

CENTER banner graphic.PNG
WHAT!? ANOTHER BANNER!? How many banners are there, like really? Wait.. This banner looks like the previous banner! That means that it’s either the left banner, the right banner, or the center banner. But I’m puzzled about that.

CENTER banner graphic.PNG
Wait, ANOTHER BANNER? This is insane. How many banners are there? What? This looks almost exactly like the previous two banners! It must be a banner from the roof of Club Geoz! There are three banners. There are three banners on this list. Is this the right banner, left banner, or the center banner?

flower box graphic.PNG
This one’s tough. I’ll give you a hint. Jam Mart _________. I didn’t even see it until the time of writing this it was so hidden! But it’s close to the Jamaa ladybug.

sarepia sign.PNG
This building is familiar… It’s the Theater! The theater in _______ ______! That makes more sense. It must lead there! I hope I don’t see any roleplayers that can “fight” me while I’m walking across the clearing to The Lost Temple of Zios! 


So, according to the tallies above, Cosmic Cheetah was the winner, with 23 graphics! (Ineffable won with 32 last time, and you won with 23 this time! How bizarre! :P) Wowza! :O You can pick ANY custom edit/commission from the Commissions page or receive an RIM on AJ! (Comment down below your choice! :D) 
Well, AJGC certainly has a LOT more graphics to add to the graphics library now! ^.^ Thanks to all of the participants, of course!

I hope you enjoyed that post! Have a lovely day, everyone!
