Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Official Animal Jam Handbook + Holiday Authors?

Hey guys!! I'm trying to get back into the groove of posting and have several ideas that I would like to present to you guys!

First of all, I was wondering if you guys would like if I made an Animal Jam Handbook. In the handbook, I would include basically all of the information that you would need to get started in Animal Jam, and would reveal the locations of several glitches, secret areas and prime fun places. Also, I might includes special adventure guides, video walkthroughs of some things and much more. If you would be interested in something like this, make sure to comment below!

The other thing I wanted to ask you guys was if any of you would like to volunteer to become seasonal authors! Basically, if you don't want to be a regular author on the blog but still want to contribute in some way, you can sign up (click here to sign up!) to be a holiday author! The holiday authors will take turns posting the daily Jamaaliday gifts every day during the month of December when one of the other authors or I cannot. You'd only have to make a post (however long or short you would like) a couple of times a month probably. Again, if you're interested, make sure to sign up by clicking here!

That's all my news for today jammers, but make sure to keep on having fun in Jamaa!


Also, make sure to keep on viewing the blog so that we can reach our goal of 90,000 views before 2016 begins! If we reach that goal, I might just have to host a special contest, giveaway and party!


  1. Replies
    1. Awesome! I'll be announcing the final authors on November 31st.

  2. Yass a handbook would be awesome! Btw, I love these graphics, I use them for my video thumbnails. :)

    1. Awesome! I think making a handbook would be really fun to create and would really benefit jammers by providing them with helpful information!

      And that's so neat that you make videos! I'll be sure to subscribe to your channel when I get the chance! ^.^



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