Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blog's Birthday + Graphic

Hey jammers! It's Panda here (long time no see!) and I'm here today with a bunch of randomness.

First off, I just wanted to point out that the blog's birthday was on October 20th! Wow, it's so weird that I started this blog over a year ago... #sentimental moment. So, happy belated birthday, AJGC!

Secondly, I cannot believe that we are at 60,000 views! Can we try and get to 90,000 by 2016? You guys are so awesome, and I know that we can do it! :D

And third, I wanted to share with you a graphic I made:

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

It is of the docks in the Twists and Turns adventure. You can use it without credit if you like, but credit would be greatly appreciated. 

Also, my friend Lovely and I were playing the Twists and Turns adventure earlier, and we had a ton of fun with those adorable wooden cut-outs!

Okay jammers, I promise to post again soon, but I have to go now! Have a lovely day! :D



  1. Happy birthday AJGC! (wow, already)

    *realizes I completely missed my blog's birthday*

    Oh shoot

  2. Happy birthday AJGC!!! Thank you for providing such great graphics :D

  3. @ Peridot & Arctic & Doomy

    Thank you! <3 Y'all are so sweet!


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