Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Long Time No See + Featured Graphics #22!

Hi jammers... for the first time in forever (no pun intended :P)...

I am seriously so sorry for the huge, huge posting gap. Like wow. Months.

I am so touched that you guys kept on sending in graphics, sending me concerned emails, leaving comments and just sticking with me even throughout this awkward, mysterious time. I feel awful for just leaving all of you sweet, wonderful people hanging like I did.

However, I am happy to say that I will be posting on here every so often with new graphics (feel free to send yours in!) and that I will resume responding to all of your new comments! But, I will probably not be super active on AJ, and will probably temporarily (or possibly permanently) pause commissions and eBook purchases.

Since I have a lot more work now, what with a new school year, I probably won't have the time to be as active on here. But I will try, for you guys.

Also, I feel so disappointed that just as I kind-of-not-really quit AJ/blogging, I get accepeted as an author to my all time favorite blog, Animal Jam Cheats and Codes. I mean, really, world? Why is life so unfair? :( I'll try and post there a couple of times though, if MisterChunkyBuddy will allow me to post less often. :)

Anyways... enough of my emotional ramblings. Lets get onto the Featured Graphics post!

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua


by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

 by QueenAqua
by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by Snoodle

by bunny21075

by QueenAqua

Wowza, right? This is possibly the most graphics we've ever featured in one post! XD A lot of you have been asking in the comments for more beta and item graphics. Well, QueenAqua definitely has you covered! ^.^ She sent in dozens of beautiful item graphics that I'm sure that you can put to good use! And several other jammers featured in this post also sent in lovely animal and item graphics as well!

I hope you all have a great day!



  1. I'm so happy to hear from you, Panda! :)

    But... that owl graphic belongs to me. Whoever sent that in stole my image.

    1. I'm so happy to hear from you too, Naffy! :D

      And I'm so sorry for that! I'll get rid of it soon. Whoever sent it in must have gotten things mixed up or something.

  2. Hi Panda, so glad to hear from you again! :D

  3. Glad to hear you're back! You were gone so long I was worried you got assassinated or something

    *looks at record*
    Oops, I forgot to post ... on *any* of my blogs!

    1. And I'm willing to do the commissions (at least the ones that I know how to do)

    2. Haha, glad to see you again! And I will consider that!

    3. @panda I could try doing commissions too. I know I haven't done any before, but I've gotten better at editing lately owo


      ~Dew Drop/Star (I changed my google username)

    4. That would be great! And your editing skills are superb! I see two extremely epic things on your Google+ page:
      - tons of Pusheen gifs (Pusheen for life!!)
      - awesome quote images and covers/edits
      It's so nice to see you again!

  4. I'm so happy you are back! I was worried that you quit like some other AJ blogs.

    1. I'm happy to be back as well! :D I missed everyone so much. And who quit? I haven't checked my Blogger dashboard recently, so I'm ashamed to admit that I don't really know what's been happening in the AJ blogging world... :(

  5. So glad you're back and so sorry I didn't finish the adventure guide I promised! I'll work on it now owo

    1. I'm so happy to see you again! And it's perfectly find that you didn't finish the adventure guide, but it would be amazing if you could work on it! :D

  6. Thanks for coming back!

    (My icon is Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven from Steven Universe.)

    1. I'm so sorry for leaving so unexpectedly! >.<

      And cool!

  7. Glad to see you back. I missed you so much!

  8. *eats cookie*
    *looks at post*


    I may not comment often but I will try to read. I have no time for blogs, not even plushie blogs! AND I LOVE PLUSHIE BLOGS!

    *jumps onto you like a puppy, knocking you over, and hugging you so tight your face turns rainbow* -D6

    And I kinda quit AJ too. Nobody really comes to talk to me or see me on that game at all. I'm trying to come back more.

    1. I missed you too! :D And I would actually find it quite awesome if my face turned rainbow. :P

      Aww, that's too bad! I'll try and talk to you whenever we're both on at the same time! :D #neverlonely


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