Monday, August 10, 2015

Bee Graphics

To celebrate the arrival of pet bees, here are some bee graphics!

by spirtpaw4

by Arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

 by arcticpenguinii
by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii 
 by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

 by arcticpenguinii
by arcticpenguinii

Hope you liked those! Till next time,


  1. Great job! Check out my owl on Animal Jam :) -D6

  2. Did you guys quit this blog? :( -D6

  3. Did you quit...? Please don't... D:

  4. I quit animal jam. It's getting old, and too horrid. All the hacking and scamming is just too much for me.

    I think Panda, Naffy, and Kittens (My Best Buds) Quit Too. It's just, wow.

    People are getting greedy... Geez.

    1. I know! I'm considering leaving because some jammers are just disgusting, hacking, scamming, or other. They want items to make their game "fun" but can ruin the game for everyone else!
      I only play every now and then. I'll come back when people are BETTER jammers. I read about the beta days, they said people were nicer back then. Then why not now? This is why betas and rares probably shouldn't of been invented. People do anything for them. I don't blame Panda, Naffy, and all those other people in AJ that may of quit. AJ is just a place for good and bad. If only we good jammers did something SOONER. Maybe then would Animal Jam be a better place, like in beta. (as where ever I read said it was like). When people are better and want to be friends with one another like way back when, when AJ was probably a better place. I wish, hope, and dream for it that people will stop the nonsense and go back to being nice and kind. Not greedy and bullies. -D6

    2. Though like I said. I only plays sometimes. Though I don't seem to see hackers or scammers anymore though, which I enjoy. -D6


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