Sunday, April 19, 2015

Horned Leg Pads + Strong Penguins + Views + Party? + New Poll + Sunday Fun + DE!

Hey jammers! ^.^ Sorry that I couldn't post a chapter of Fate yesterday... I was giving my main website, The Dancing Panda a little makeover. ^.^

The new item is the horned leg pads in Jam Mart Clothing!

I've never cared much for this item, seeing as it's so small... but at least our hopes and prayers for a non-member item today worked! ^.^

Haha, have you seen the "strong penguins" strolling around Jamaa lately? Well, if you wear horned armor on a penguin, it sure looks like your penguin has been lifting some heavy weights lately! 

Image from The Animal Jam Whip

I noticed that we've reached 25,000 views! Wow... never in my wildest dreams did I expect that many! I'll post the 20,000 views story contest on the Contest Blog a bit later today. ^.^

Speaking of views... should I host a special 25,000 views party? There hasn't been an AJGC party in a long while... comment what you think!

There is a new poll on the sidebar, so make sure to check that out and vote!

For today's Sunday Fun, I'll be posting about animal conservation and the ways you can help! Here we go!

Have you stopped by AJGC's Conservation page! There, you can learn about AJHQ's efforts to help save animals, and also grab some HTML coded buttons to pop onto your blog's sidebar to show your support! If you haven't checked it out recently, make sure to click here

It's always fun to donate some gems to a big cat of your choice in the Conservation Museum! 

If you want to wear your support wherever you go, maybe you'd like the Play Wild Pack! In the Play Wild Pack, you receive 10,000 gems for your account, 5 diamonds and a set of 5 Play Wild wristbands! Click here to buy the Play Wild Pack from Animal Jam Outfitters!

Do you know of any other fun ways you can donate to or help a species of animal? If you do, comment them down below!

Also, the winners for the art and science parts of the S.T.E.A.M. contest have been announced! Congrats to Eternal Majorruler and Princess Happyseal!

Boy, their animals look so cute! I wish that AJHQ would draw everyone's animal! That would be awesome! ^.^ 

But don't worry--you can still enter in the math category!

 The inventions that everyone made for this were so adorable! My favorite has got to be the pet calculator, somewhere in the middle of this gif:

I hope you have a great Sunday!

Ciao, jammers!



  1. Dang, you've got it easy, my friend. It took me a whole year to get 10,000 views. XD But congratulations! :D

    1. XD That's just silly--your blog is so amazing that it should have 900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 views! And thank you ver much! ^.^

  2. Congrats! That's like the whole world viewing your blog!

  3. Horned leg pads look really cool on seals! And I'm pretty sure half of those views were from me.

  4. Just wondering, why haven't you posted a fate chapter yet? I've been waiting :(

    1. That was sort of rude, trying to giddy-up Panda like that. She can be very busy.

  5. I have seen penguins before this time. It is a very funny thing. Maybe they might use this advantage for girl penguins? And yay horned leg pads to go with horned armor and horn helmet. Hey panda, try making an outfit out of it and post a picture for a fashion post. -d66864 on AJ

    1. And yes, I'd love to go to a party hosted by you for the first time! -d66864 on AJ

  6. Why isn't lunch an option on the poll?


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