Saturday, February 7, 2015

Pizza Counter + Friendship Necklaces + Commission Giveaway!

Hi jammers! Whew- I am sure happy that it's Saturday. ^.^ Too bad I have WAY too much homework. Ah- enough about my problems. :P The new furniture item today is the pizza counter!

Pretty neat item, but WHY FOR MEMBERS ONLY, AJHQ?!?!? You're KILLIN me!!!! :P Oh well- at least there are cute little peppermints on the counter!

There are also the new friendship necklaces in Jam Mart Furniture!

I have always loved these items! I suggest buying a couple and sending them to your buddies near or on Valentine's Day! Perhaps attach a kind message to the Jam-a-Gram or say something nice about them when you trade them a necklace. Oh- how could I forget?!? Nafaria9 is holding a similar event with friendship bracelets! Make sure to check it out by clicking the banner below!

Hmm... for today's Saturday Commission Giveaway, I will be giving away a set of custom social media icons, up to 6 custom sidebar images for your blog, and two custom signatures via raffle! Just comment a number from 1-50 to have a chance to win! ^.^ The winner will be revealed on Monday!

I got the picture of your fox, Snowypaw, so I can begin your graphic later today. :P 

NOTICE: Make sure to send in any graphics you have made this week to: or 
to be featured in tomorrow's Featured Graphics post!

Okie jammers- better go! Have an awesome day, everyone!


P.S. Shoutout to my amazing buddy, Bluesauce for this awesome speed paint of my animal!

Make sure to check out the speedpaint video here, and check out Bluesauce's channel here!

1 comment:

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