Friday, February 6, 2015

New Item (info from previous leaked photos) + Daily Explorer Spreads the Love + Raspberry Owl Color!!

Hi jammers! Sorry I didn't post earlier today, I was at my great aunt's funeral. D:

The new item is quite interesting. O-o

Ah, this overpriced, members-only, croc figurine in Jam Mart Furniture... Besides the fact that the default green figurine looks kind of cute, this item is pretty bad. >.< But the weird thing is, take a look at this leaked photo (from ajinsider) that was released awhile back.

Ha- that is sure a better price than the 650 gem version. But isn't that weird? Perhaps AJHQ makes all items 5 gems before releasing them. But the weird thing is- why would AJHQ make this item before the votes were totaled up? Did they choose the pizza parlor on purpose because they had items already made in that theme? Or do they create the items in advance? 

On The Daily Explorer, they posted an amazing heart-emote art! Take a look!

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And here it is on their post:

Pretty neat- eh? And they also posted this cute picture!

For the Random Friday, here is a quick one, since I better get to bed- I am so sleepy. :P Tuesday Tips time! Did you know that the default pattern color for the owls is the 'glitched' raspberry? Most glitched, rare, unreleased items in AJ are the secret raspberry color, and it is the default pattern colors for owls! I suggest keeping this rare color- it may come in handy later! :D

Okay jammers- ciao for now!



  1. On the DE, the bigger hearts are shaped to form a bigger heart. The small hearts surround it. That's sweet! c:

  2. Awesome post panda! By the way tomorrow I will try to send you some graphics I made!



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