Monday, January 2, 2017

Themes for a Blogger template?

Hello, my name is Cosmic and.. I'm posting. Yeah, that's what I'm doing. Anyways, I'm looking for a theme to use for 3 Blogger templates, much like Diamond Days. As you can see, on the "Other Test Blogs" page, I already have the Jamaasian Line and the Gemstone Line! Now, I'm looking for ideas for a template!

Anyways, comment any ideas you have below.

That's about it. I'll try to post tomorrow!

Ciao, and Comet On, from Cosmic. (Ooooooooooooh, trying out something new and I like it! I'll switch from the period and the exclamation point)

(I hope you enjoy my new winter signature!)


  1. I have some ideas

    1. A Space blog Theme Template
    2. An Emoji blog Theme Template
    4. Jamaa Dash (It basically means a run\tour of Jamaa)
    5. Seasons Splash (All 4seasons in one blog)
    6. A Treehouse Blog Theme Template

    Im out of ideas >_K

    1. Oh my, I'm in love with all of these! Thank you for your suggestions, Cuddly!

    2. 7. The Temple Scrolls Blog Theme Template.
      (I'm referring to the Chamber of Knowledge Temple of Zios)

  2. Bisnis Tanpa Modal sepeser pun ternyata bisa dijalani oleh siapa pun dan dimana pun loh. Bisnis Online didunia digital seperti sekarang ini sangatlah populer dan banyak juga peminatnya, dimulai dari anak anak muda, kaum milenial bahkan sampai (Baca Selengkapnya...)


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