Saturday, July 2, 2016

Minecraft in Animal Jam?!? [Weekly Digest Issue #2]

Hey jammers! Reporter Panda here again, equipped with the newest issue of AJGC's newest Weekly Digest series!

  • This week's Rare Item Monday
  • New and concluded contests or informational posts from The Daily Explorer
  • Exclusive graphics relating to this week's events
  • A round-up of AJGC's posts for the week

These Rare Sandals have the same colors as the Rare Sombrero mentioned in our last Weekly Digest! It seems as if these colors (neon purple, neon green and pink) are pretty common among RIM's!

These nifty sandals cost 5,000 tickets. Unfortunately, the high price may have deterred many jammers from being able to purchase this RIM. What do you think--do you agree with AJHQ's high pricing of the RIM's lately?

As Reporter Cosmic spoke of on her own blog, The Animal Jam Comet, you could definitely use both these sandals and the sombrero from last week to create a rockin' party outfit!

Reporter Ineffable here, with some of the updates from The Daily Explorer!

The Daily Explorer has hosted a ton of paw-some contests lately that you should definitely go participate in! They recently announced the winners of their ‘Make Music Day’ art contest! Here are some of the fabulous entries:

Each of the 10 winners won a cool Diamond Art Plaque for their den that looks a bit like the other Art Plaque, but with just a bit more pizazz!

If you're interested in entering any future art contests, then make sure to check out this helpful video tutorial by AJHQ on how to submit your artwork to them!

To celebrate this paw-some week, here are some fun graphics you can use! All of these can be used without any credit to me (Reporter Panda) or this blog (AJGC)!

The following graphics were all created based on the cute characters and pictures that appeared in the Wild Explorer's "Space Daydreams" music video! (Scroll down to the "Bonus Tidbits" section of this issue to watch the epic video for yourself!)

Sunday: Commission Coupon, @Cosmic (Commission), Pet Sighting
Thursday: Study Tips: Summer Edition, @KG (Commission)

Thank you so much for reading the second issue of this Digest series!

What did you think of this issue? What ideas and suggestions do you have for Issue #3?

And again, the Animal Jam Graphic Central Management Team outdid themselves! If it weren't for the endless contributions from these lovely people, this issue wouldn't even exist! Leave them all some love in the comments down below!

Well--until next time!

Did you know that many of the most popular Animal Jam YouTube stars went on a trip to VidCon with AJHQ?

The jammers who went to VidCon (like Aparri, Bepper, Snowyclaw, WisteriaMoon and others) were treated with special Wild Explorers backpacks, silly selfies with Clark Stacey and Cami Carver, and best of all...

Meeting their fans!

What a fun time, right?

But speaking of Cami...

If you haven't seen the "Space Daydreams" music video created by Wild Explorers (we mentioned it earlier), then you should really take a look...

You're welcome. Haha!

But seriously--isn't Cami just adorable?

And yes, it is a parody of "Wildest Dreams" by Taylor Swift.


  1. Those graphics are so cute! Also, where did you find that picture of all the famous Animal Jammers, Panda? It's so cute!

    1. CosmicCheetah-Not-Signed-InJuly 3, 2016 at 10:49 AM

      Probably on Animal Jam's YouTube channel. Their channel banner/channel art is of the "famous" Jammers! AJHQ drew them.

    2. Ohh! Whichever AJHQ worker drew that has some good art skills! I thought the style looked familiar!


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