Saturday, July 30, 2016

JamCon 2016!

Hey everyone! So today I went to JamCon!
There were at least 600 people. No joke. It was PACKED! Sadly, Twinkle0122 couldn't make it, but I don't know why. I took pictures with all the famous jammers that were able to attend including:

  • Aparri
  • WisteriaMoon
  • Julian2
  • Bepper
  • Snowyclaw
I got their signatures as well including the signature of Snowyclaw's sister, Proven. They were all very nice! The line for Aparri was HUGE! Snowyclaw actually knew who I was. She was so nice and did raffles! I won a little Animal Jam toy.

Probably one of the best parts is that I saw one of my friends I haven't seen in over a year! We've managed to keep in touch online. I was so happy to see her. Since she cut her hair short, when she was meeting Aparri, Aparri said this:
"Finally, another boy playing Animal Jam!" which was sort of funny, but we didn't correct him or laugh. Aparri was extremely nice and when the convention had settled down we had a nice chat with Momparri, who is also extremely nice!

Please comment below if you saw me there! Here are a few pictures I took from the event:
A picture with Aparri, AKA James. Such a nice guy!
My raffle prize from the amazing Snowyclaw Jamaa, the owner and one of the authors of the Animal Jam Spirit blog!
These are the signatures of the popular jammers that attended! I don't want to spam you guys with pictures, but if you do want more, I'll be sure to post! Here's a little description of the event:

When I got off the train, we went out to Boston Commons and saw the usual crowd of people. Here and there I pointed to a few clusters of people. "Maybe that's them!" but usually, it wasn't. I went to where the banner said it'd be at; the Tadpole Playground. I glanced around and saw some little kids. I hope I'm not attending JamCon with 5 year olds! which, I must admit, was harsh. I glanced to my left and saw loads of people. My mom suggested that that was JamCon, but I said it wasn't. Eventually we approached it, and sure enough, Aparri was standing nearby with a line of fangirls eager to take selfies with him!

It was a lot to take in. Even though these jammers have posted IRL videos before, seeing them right in front of you makes you overly excited and extremely happy. I started shaking whenever I got near any of them. None of them were ever rude. There was so much fanart! A table with nametags to write your usernames on was nearby and I stuck my nametag onto my shirt. There was an arts and crafts table with coloring sheets, paper, crayons, and more, along with a raffle table with snacks. 

We waited in long, long lines to meet the famous jammers, but it was all worth it! Constant screams of joy were heard. 

When the event had quieted down and barely anyone was there, there were some unclaimed prizes at the raffle table, so Snowyclaw drew out some more usernames. My name was chosen, and I got an adorable Animal Jam toy! There were tons of prizes. It was one of the best days of my life.

Sorry if this post seemed braggy. If you saw me there, make sure to tell me in the comments below!
Signing off, 


  1. Hooray, you posted pictures! Feels as if I was there myself!

    Okay, maybe not quite like that. But you just made me even more excited to go one day! I really, REALLY hope I can go next year, or the next! I'd love to meet you and everyone else there!
    Did you talk to bepper? I love her videos! :)

    1. I did talk to Bepper. Since her line was very long as well, I waited until the event was nearly over and me and my friend got her autograph and took pictures with her. She was so nice!

    2. Awesome! I'd love to see her! Maybe I'll go to JamCon sometime soon!

  2. OMG I saw the Livestream and it looked so good. The only problem I have is that I live in a totally different continent. :(
    I'm glad you had a good time there. :D

    1. I live a few states away, my parents would never take me to Boston, so I feel you Purple.

      I did also see the livestream, and I think that I saw Ineffable in there :o But I didn't watch for long.

  3. This looks like so much fun! :O I hope I can go next year!

    I'm so happy that you had a good time! <3

  4. Oh. My. WORD! THAT SOUNDS AMAZING! :O I wish I coulda gone... Meeting all those people sounds awesome. Too bad I don't live near there. :(
    I am so glad you had fun, Ineffable! PLEASE GIMMIE MORE PICTURES!! XDDDD

    (sorry, I like Aparri, Bepper, and Snowyclaw. So it would have been awesome to meet them. :P)

    1. Don't apologize!! I totally understand your excitement :P

  5. Wow! That sounds like the best time ever! Wish I could of gone... :) Animal jam has such a great community! And OMG Aparri was there!? He's so awesome! (sorry for being like insanely happy right now) lol


  6. Oh, hey, it's Ineffable! I haven't been around here in a while, but you guys might remember me, I suppose. It's theajanon!

    I know you guys are all about graphics, but it would be really cool if you could mention Jam Con: Midwest! sometime! We really want this event to become a reality, but getting the word out has been one of our greatest challenges. If you'd like to check out the website, it's located at make sure you view it on chrome :-)

    Sorry for the shameless advertising! I genuinely enjoy reading this blog- keep it up.


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