Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Animal Jam Poems!

Hey jammers! I know poems aren't really considered fanfictions, but I wanted to change things up today. Also, sorry for the recent inactivity! I've been on vacation. I'll be home this Friday!
And finally, before I start this post, I congratulate Cosmic on her blogging anniversary. She is such an amazing author and such an amazing person in general. This blog would not have been the amazing place it is without her help!
(btw idk how she does it but she is wayyyyy more organized than me)

Poem #1: Summer Carnival
The sweet aroma of cotton candy reaches your nose,
As you shiver with excitement from your head to your toes.
You approach one of the games with confidence you'll win,
You carefully aim at the colorful balloons with a sharp pin. 
Then, after reaping the rewards from the carnival game, 
You walk over to the stand with prizes displayed in a frame,
But realize you don't have enough tickets to purchase your prize,
You had your eye on that delicious hat of crispy french fries.
(That one was horrible, I apologize)

Poem #2: Training
A silhouette awaits you as you approach a cluster of trees.
She beckons you towards an enclosed area, where you stop and freeze.
A shadow awaits; tentacles slick and slippery.
You see it's aura of purples and lure it over quickly.
It approaches a plant which looks innocent and calm,
Before it is devoured with an explosion following, much like a dark purple bomb.

Sorry for such a short post, I had barely any time today to write anything!
Signing off,
Ineffable ^-^


  1. Very nice poems! I loved them both, and the fact that you found enough words to make it rhyme is pretty smart! I never would've thought of rhyming "slippery" with " quickly"! Okay, so they don't QUITE rhyme, but most poems have that in them, and it's fine by me!
    Overall, this comment means GOOD JOB!!! XD

    1. Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me!

  2. Aw, thank you for your kind words, Ineffable!

    The poems were both great, by the way. >w<

    1. Thank you :)
      I'm so glad you've continued with your passion of blogging for an entire year.

    2. Hehe, I'm glad too. :)


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