Sunday, June 26, 2016

ALERT: Animal Jam Pet Sighting!

This post has been copied from the Animal Jam Comet.


This just in, an Animal Jam pet redeemable from a toy was sighted in the Wild Explorers Tent in Aldan. We cannot say who has redeemed a code for privacy reasons, but we can show you an image.
This mysterious pet seems to be a lightning bug or a firefly. Whatever it is, it seems pretty cool! If you are using this photo for ANY reason, leave the watermark on. I watermarked the photo for reasons of it not getting stolen, and I don't want it to be stolen.

If you have any more info on these mysterious new toy pets appearing in Jamaa, be sure to inform me about it!

Well, that's about it!

Ciao, and Comet On!

Well, that was the post!

Ciao, and Comet On!



  1. It kind of looks like a pet bee from last year's Bee Day celebration, but I can't say for sure.

  2. I've seen a squirrel-pet-looking-thing before! I believe they come from the Animal Jam Adopt A Pet Toy boxes! Maybe that's where the firefly came from too? I'm not sure.
    Jam on! And remember, God made YOU!

  3. Since today is our free day does that mean we are allowed to post multiple posts?

  4. Can you Jam-A-Gram me the username or tell me on AJ? I don't want to publish the user, just want to see the pet myself.

    1. I really can't say it in a Jam-A-Gram.. :(

  5. [rolls in] I'm the person who own's this Pet. I found out by searching My username and finding it by clicking images, (User: Tammyfoo) And you could have ASKED before taking a screenshot on it and putting your own watermark
    Sorry if this was so sudden D:

    1. OH! and if your curious::: It was the 15th prize for typing in/finding/unboxing 15 different animals. It wasn't just from some random code ;; Lol I thought it would have helped to give that information (BTW! It costed me 45-40 Dollars on codes.)



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