Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Great Graphic-Making Race: Round 1

Hey jammers!

Sorry that I haven't been posting for awhile--I was swamped with homework this entire week, and I've been pretty sick the last few days and had too bad of a headache to type up a post. :P


A couple days ago, I posted about a new graphic-making series beginning on AJGC! If you haven't read that post yet, click below to check it out! ^.^

Now that you know what the competition/challenge is, here is the first round of graphics made by the participants of this challenge! :D Many of the members of the team were quite busy this week, however, so there were only 3 participants! That's okay, though--the more graphics added to AJGC's ever-growing graphics library, the better, right?

But before we jump right into the graphics, here is a brief overview of the details and requirements for this round of the challenge:

Lands Assigned to Each Member/Participant:
(each member had to make as many graphics as they could from that land, including any and all graphics from that land's shops, landmarks, and buildings--but limiting the graphics made from the land's shop's items to only 3 graphics)

awesomepanda868: Appondale Ineffable: Sarepia Forest CosmicKitty AJ: Coral Canyons

Okie, now let's get into the actual graphics! :D


awesomepanda868: Appondale

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

by awesomepanda868 (no credit required)

GRAPHIC COUNT TOTAL: 22 (<-- how did I make that many? o.o)

Ineffable: Sarepia Forest


CosmicKitty AJ: Coral Canyons 

Psst! Cosmic gave me the locations of where each of the graphics were found--can you guess them all?

greenpot graphic.PNG

by Cosmic Cheetah

unfinished pot graphic.PNG

by Cosmic Cheetah
coyote graphic.PNG

by Cosmic Cheetah

pergerinefalcon graphic.PNG

by Cosmic Cheetah

So, according to the tallies above, Ineffable was the winner, with 26 graphics! Wowza! :O You can pick any custom edit/commission from the Commissions page or receive an RIM on AJ! (Comment down below your choice! :D) 
Well, AJGC certainly has a LOT more graphics to add to the graphics library now! ^.^ Thanks to all of the participants, of course!

I hope you enjoyed that post! Have a lovely day, everyone!




  1. Haha, I might make more next time!

  2. Hey maybe after the lands you could do like shops and games?

    1. Yup! That's exactly what I'm planning to do--perhaps even some more adventures as well! ^.^

  3. Replies
    1. Haha! You deserved it--your graphics were awesome and super high-quality, yet you still managed to make tons of them! Great job! :Sends virtual hugs and cookies:

  4. Can I have a signature? I'm a noob so I'm not really sure on how this works but a signature like yours (not with the signing off part) with all the nature-related emojis? Sorry if it's too complicated LOL I have no clue on how to ask properly.

    1. Of course! I'll get started on it and it'll probably be done by the end of the week! ^.^


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