Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Plushie Edit!

Hey jammers! ^.^

So, I've recently gotten more interested in editing, so I decided to finally make my first edit this afternoon!

The idea behind this edit was that it would be pretty cool to be able to track the number of plushies you have in a set. As an avid plushie collector, knowing which plushies I do and don't have is super useful!

But it's sort of hard to explain in words--and as they say, a picture says a thousand words! So here is the final edit that I came up with! (Jammer Wall base credit to Ineffable! :D)

I REALLLLLY wish AJHQ had some sort of way to track which plushies you had! ^.^

But as a treat to you, here are all of the plushie graphics that I made and used while creating this edit!

You can use them all without credit! ^.^

Also, as I will be very busy this week, all participants of the graphic-making challenge have until Thursday to finish making graphics! I don't have the time to announce any winners or assign new lands--I'm sorry! >.<



^ Thanks for the signature, Cosmic! :D ^


  1. Awesome idea! And beautiful graphics, too!

  2. Wow, great graphics! That IS a great idea, maybe they can do it with big plushies too? My brother is a collector (I can send a picture of his collection).
    YW for the signature, as always!


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