Saturday, May 14, 2016


Hey jammers!

Remember how awhile back I posted my first ever digital art of a bunny? In case you don't, here is the bunny art again!

It turned out pretty cute, but as it was my first, I didn't know anything about shading, light sources etc. So, I wanted to learn how to improve! ^.^

Today, I tried to draw my panda's signature look, and here's how it turned out:

Even though I'd still like to improve, I'm really happy with it! ^.^ Also, I drew it entirely from scratch with no templates or anything, so it's sort of a representation of my drawing style!

Well, I hope you enjoyed my 2nd attempt at digital art! :D Tell me in the comments: improvement or not?

Also, I was reading my friend Cosmic's blog, and her most recent post was about an EPIC glitch in the Diamond Shop!

Look how many diamonds I have!! 34,341!!

That's the glitch! I don't actually have 34,341 diamonds, and I can't spend them, but it's cool to take pictures with them, right? Click here to read Cosmic's post on how to do this glitch!




  1. Ah, that panda is so cute! Maybe you can work on like adding fur and stuff? Well, pandas don't really have fur, but I'd say that's pretty good! Can you draw Catcher, LOL? The antlers seem too hard, even for me...

    Hey -- Thanks for the credit on the Diamond Shop glitch! Use it while you can, folks! .w.

  2. That glitch looks so cool! And your art skills are looking really nice! ;D

  3. Cool! I have some fan art of your panda that I'd like to share...
    It's your panda making a signature. Not really on a computer, but you get it. XD I thought that the hot cocoa and cookies would match your sweet personality. :3

    1. Aww, thank you! THAT ART IS SOOOOOO CUTE! :O I just want to hug the life out of that adorable panda you drew!


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