Saturday, March 19, 2016


Hey jammers! It's Panda here...

And today when I went to Animal Jam to log in, I saw this:

(I blocked out my login info for obvious reasons :P)

This legit freaked me out. But, I was pretty sure it was either just a glitch or a mistake.

So, I went to Animal Jam's homepage in a different tab and logged in from there. To my great relief, none of my items were missing, and my account still worked. 


But what should you take away from this post?

Well, if you ever see something like this, NEVER log in from that page. For example, I have a feeling this was just a glitch on AJ's part but say it was the plot of a hacker. Well, if I had logged in through the above login form, I probably would have lost my password to the hacker and been hacked.

Always check the URL/address of the page on which you are entering your login info. If you see any extra characters or words after the normal web address stem, then RELOAD THE PAGE IN A DIFFERENT TAB USING THE ADDRESS AS YOU KNOW IT.

Stay safe! ^.^



  1. Wow, great tips! I will be sure to do what you said in that event if the time comes!

  2. Panda...? I think I'm in love with the newest item... The Cosmic Necklace... I don't know what to do... It's so beautiful..


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