Monday, March 14, 2016


Here is your header:

Hope that you like it! ^.^ It has a white background with rounded corners, so it'll show up nicely against your current blog background!

However, when I first read your request, I thought you were requesting a signature, not a header since I literally can't read carefully and detailed for my life. :P So, I made you a matching signature in the beginning, before I realized my mistake. XD I hope you like it anyways.

Have a great day!



  1. Whoa.. I love them! You can also see the other signature I ordered - I will be fine having two!

    1. Uh, Panda? I think the header is a little too big because part of it is cut off.. Could you make a smaller version of the same header?

    2. Happy you like them! ^.^

      Huh... that's odd. Did you make sure to select the "shrink to fit" option when uploading it? If not, I'll downsize it.

    3. I downsized it anyways. :P The new version replaced the old one in this post.

    4. Oh, whoops! I forgot "Shrink to Fit!" Thanks for letting me know!

    5. Well, you can see the words and all, but a corner is cut off! >.< It's no big deal, though!

    6. I'll make it a bit smaller. I'm a huge perfectionist myself, so it bothers me to send you off with an improperly sized commission.

    7. Yup, it works! Thanks, again!

  2. Hey, Panda, when will you continue the "How to Make Epic Graphics" and the "How To Start a Blog From Scratch" series? I was looking in the archives and saw uncomplete series.

    1. Oh yeah, sure! I have been super busy over the past few months and haven't had a ton of time to do those.

    2. Okay! I've read all the issues in it so far, and I'm very interested in it!

  3. You are awesome at making these! Also I was wondering what type of template do you use on this blog? Is it the um I forget what it's calledXD


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