Tuesday, February 9, 2016

AJGC Header Showcase!

Hey jammers! Here is a compilation of all of the headers AJGC has ever known--as well as some that I made but never actually published!


Headers that didn't make the cut:

etc. (there were many more! XD)

Well, I hope that you enjoyed that little showcase! ^.^ I think it's cool to see how my editing and design style has changed over the past 2 years, and how it has (hopefully!) improved!

Have a lovely day! (We're 2 days into the week already! Yay! Only 3 more to go!



  1. Its nice to see the older stuff~

    1. Haha, yep! It was super fun to compile this header list and see how far the blog has come since that very first header.

  2. CosmicCheetah AJ / Cosmic_HeartFebruary 10, 2016 at 5:36 PM

    I can make you a header for free if you want c: Not right now, though... I miss editing photos/making graphics.. :(

  3. .................. Thats it. I quit this blog.

    1. Kathleenamanda. It's not her problem you don't like the blog. And Panda I have a request. Can you do a happy Valentine's Day post for my friend in aj and in real life? She is my bff and I want to surprise her with a post. Her user is fuzz72477 and I want you to say happy Valentine's Day from ievyn. And tell her I miss her a lot. (I moved away not that long ago). Ty!

    2. Oh wait nvm I'm good lol. Don't make a post. It's okay I'm good.

    3. Are you sure you don't want me to? I could, if you want! She sounds like a lovely friend, and I'd be glad to help you wish her a happy Valentine's Day! ^.^

    4. Okay then yes please. Do I have to gift you anything?

  4. Just say that she means a lot to me and that I'd do anything for her. I miss her like crazy and she is a wonderful person and has the biggest imagination I have ever seen. And tell her it was from me. Hehe she'll love it!! Also say I'm looking forward to defeating chaos with her in sky landers trap team when we meet up. Ty again!

  5. My favorite AJGC header will have to be the rainforest one (the 2nd one). I always found it neat how you fit your animal graphics into that scene. And my favorite unofficial header will have to be the purple flower one. :)

    1. Yeah, I'd have to agree with you on both of those. ^.^ Also, I love YOUR new blog design and blog header! The "We are the broken" in the middle of your header is so cool and dramatic.

    2. Thank you!! :D

      Haha yes, I'm kinda planning on making that a quote for it (it was on my previous header as well). (I've been listening to some specific songs way too often while storyplanning. The songs are amazing though. XD)


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