Sunday, February 28, 2016

90,000 Views Giveaway WINNERS!

Hey jammers! It's Panda! :D

I'm sorry that I haven't posted much this week... my teachers gave us tons of homework, and I had 3 major tests as well. :P Plus, they all apparently thought it would be fun to give us homework (double the amount that we normally get on weekdays) over the weekend.

*Slow clap*

But enough of my complaining. Since I'll actually be very busy on March 1st, the date that the giveaway was supposed to end (it's my mom's birthday and my teachers gave us a heads-up that we'll have a lot of homework for that entire week, and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for that long!) I decided to announce the winners today!

I highly doubt that anyone who wanted to enter the giveaway hasn't already since it has been over a week since the giveaway began.

So, without any further ado, let's get into the winners!

As a refresher, here were the prizes:

One person will win each of the prizes. ^.^

So, to decide who won which prize, I used a random number generator, and whomever chose the closest number to the one the generator chose won that item.

Prize #1: Globe

The number chosen for this prize was 18, meaning that citybunny won the beta globe! Congrats! 

Prize #2: Bow & Arrows

The number chosen for this prize was 1, meaning that cookycupcake won the bow and arrows!

Prize #3: Rhino Helmet

The number chosen for this prize was 49, meaning that spiritpaw won the rhino helmet! Yay!

Prize #4: Worn

The number chosen for this prize was 18 again, meaning that Lovely1147046 won the red/brown worn!

Prize #5: Pigtails

The number chosen for this prize was 10, meaning that thecakebake won the yellow pigtails!

Prize #6: Spirit Amulet

The number chosen for this prize was 48 meaning that CosmicCheetah won the spirit amulet! Congrats! :D

Prize #7: Rare Beard

The number chosen for this prize was 8, meaning that crystalgirl7024 won the rare beard!

Prize #8: Legendary Glove

The number chosen for this prize was 55, meaning that nafaria9 won the legendary glove!

Prize #9: Rare Heart Glasses

The number chosen for this prize was 6 meaning that svanthemaster won the heart glasses! Congrats! ^.^

Alrighty... now that the prizes have been handed out, let me just tell you how to retrieve your prize if you won something. Since I'm a nonmember and can't just gift all of the prizes to you, we'll have to meet online at some time. 

Have a lovely day! 



  1. Congratulations to all the winners! :D

  2. Wow! Congrats, everyone else! I will be sure to enjoy my prize! My time zone is EST. Also, to the people who didn't win, don't feel bad, it was a fair way of giving out items!

  3. :o Oh my gosh! I have always wanted a rhino helmet!! Good job to everyone else who won. :)


  4. Good job everyone!!! I hope you all enjoy your prizes! And cough cough enter my giveaway. :3 Jam on and enjoy!


  5. Yay! I will be on 3/2/16 at 5:45 pm ESt


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