Friday, January 8, 2016

Posts Poll!

Hey jammers! So, I logged onto Blogger, created this post and was about to come up with some sort of interesting post idea for you all to read today, and then I realized: I have no interesting post ideas. And I thought that maybe you could help me fix that little problem. :P

Anyways, you can leave in the comments below what types of posts you'd like to see here on the blog!



  1. You should do stuff. Stuff is awesome. I do that in my blog too.
    Nah JK...
    You could do top tens about Animal Jam. For example: Top 10 Animal Jam pets. Maybe, opinions on AJ stuff and tutorials about stuff.
    STUFF ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. That's a great idea! And haha, stuff IS awesome! :P

  2. CosmicCheetah AJ/Cosmic_HeartJanuary 9, 2016 at 2:39 PM

    Hmm, I (and others could come up with edits for your blog, and it could be a segment? It came from the top of my head lol
    Also: Do any of you play Transformice? I might start playing it if I know someone from Animal Jam that plays it.

    1. That sounds great, but what exactly do you mean by "edits"?

      And no, I don't play Transformice, but I'm curious to find out what it is! ^.^

    2. CosmicCheetah AJ/Cosmic_HeartJanuary 9, 2016 at 4:56 PM

      Edits- like my Google+ profile picture.
      I edit photos, and some others do too. I can send you an example if you want. I'm gonna start Transformice right now.

    3. Oh, okay! And if you and anyone else would like to submit some featured art/edits/graphics to be posted in a blog post, then feel free to email them to me! ^.^

  3. Do more graphics and maybe more den ideas. That would help a lot XD

  4. like ievyn said you could bring back the little den ideas you had on your Dancing Panda blog. The dance floor, party bar and all those things


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