Saturday, December 5, 2015

Just a Note About Today's (Glitched?) Jamaaliday Gift

Hey jammers! Panda here! ^.^

When I opened up my Jamaaliday gift this morning, this popped up:

It had no name, but I didn't think that really meant anything important. I mean, my Animal Jam glitches a lot, so... whatever, right?

But then I checked it out in my inventory, and it said that it was called "Candy Cane Socks." Weird, huh? I just assumed that the item was again glitching and that it took the name of the item to the right of it (blue candy cane socks).

So I refreshed the page and checked again, and found that it's new name was #6389. Really weird. 

But when I tried the item on, it didn't appear as anything. 

This might be something done by accident by AJHQ, but I'm not sure. It also might be patched soon. If something similar happens to you, then make sure to comment below so I can make sure that I'm not losing my mind. XD



  1. It's happening to everyone.

    It's all over the AJ G+ Community right now XD

    1. XD Yeah, it must be some sort of wacky, accidental glitch. >.<

  2. It's happening to me as well. Congrats on winning fangs contest aj well!

    1. Whew--I'm not losing my mind. XD And thanks so much! ^.^

  3. I figured out the glitch (kind of). Go to your inventory, and this item will have the name of the last item you hovered your cursor over. If you check it's name without hovering over another item first, and then it will show the number.

    1. Yeah, I noticed that as well. It's weird though... >:I

    2. And if you you search for something in the clothing inventory, this item will show up no matter what you search for.

  4. Who has the light pink one please trade me or buddy im startear


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