Monday, December 14, 2015

Jamaaliday Gift #14 + Rare Reindeer Slippers + Unreleased Achievements!?!?!?!?

Hey! Cosmic here, for the second time! Today for the Daily Gift, we have a sought-after item and a surprise for all Jammers! Do anybody else have problems with their calendar?
Today, all Jammers get one Diamond! It's nice that everyone gets a Diamond today! Now, for the real gift.
Surprise! It's a Bow And Arrows! I have 5 different colors, the candy one, and the very annoying Gingerbread Mask. Speaking of those, visit Nafaria9's blog post about a even glitcher Gingerbread Mask! Now, no more speaking of gifts even though I could keep on rambling. Time for the new items, and RIM!
Say 'Hello' to the returning Pinecone Necklace! This necklace came to Jam Mart Clothing last year, during the Jamaalidays. This particular item is also in Animal Jam - Play Wild! (AJPW, Play Wild, PW) in the Jamaaliday Jam (I'm Cheetah87516 on PW, by the way.). And yes those are my Gems.
This rare are the Rare Reindeer Slippers! Thanks to the Animal Jam Spirit Blog, the original version of this item came out on the 16th of December, 2014, and were located at Jam Mart Clothing. On the Daily Explorer, they posted about this rare!
Click on "Daily Explorer," to see the post. Without further ado, lets see the departing items!
In the Diamond Shop....
The Mystical Armor set is departing in the following days! Who knows, a new armor set might come out to replace it! And following with Fusion's post...
The pet turkey is leaving in 3 days! Grab yours while you can! Where do you think departing items go? Answer in the comments! Instead of a mystery.... it's unreleased achievements!
Thanks to Meloetta385's blog post, you can see the achievements. So, how do you think she/he got the achievements? AJHQ account? Hacker? Something else? Answer in the comments! This post is getting long, farewell!


  1. Amazing post! Keep up the great work! ^.^

    I think that the jammer with the unreleased achievements might be either some sort of testing account for AJHQ or just knows how to glitch/fool/hack the game in order to receive those achievements.



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