Thursday, December 24, 2015

Glitched Jamaaliday Gift?!

Hey jammers! Panda here! Even though it's not my day to post, I just wanted to make a quick notice about today's (possibly) glitched Jamaaliday gift!

So, if you haven't already seen it, the Jamaaliday gift for today is the Jamaaliday lights, but the thing is: they're in stores and are for members and only come in two colors.

Jamaaliday gifts are never for members only--they are always for all jammers. However, this one is locked for non-members like myself and are also in stores for members only.

Another wacky thing about this gift is the two colors it comes in: glitched raspberry and raspberry with green lights.

Is that weird or not? I'd suggest buying several of these in each color and perhaps receiving them on all of your storage accounts as well. ^.^ They may become more valuable later!


Note: A special thanks to Lovely and Cosmic for notifying me about this glitched gift and to Nafaria9 for posting about it on her blog! ^.^


  1. You're welcome! :) Your post is much more organized than mine. XD I tend to blabber a lot.

    1. Haha, thank you! And I found that your post was much more informative--I'm not super knowledgable on glitched items like you are, so I forgot to include the stuff about the glitched ring. XD

  2. You're welcome! I got an iPad from my parents for Christmas. And two iTunes $25 gift cards from my parents also! I bought all of the Festive Lights! I love the Jamaalidays. Also- the DE post picture? I love it! Try to guess why :3

    1. That's an epic present! I wish I had an iPad! ^.^

      And haha! I can see why!

    2. And I also got a "How To Draw Manga Animals" book! The manga animals are cute, even though I don't read manga!


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