Thursday, December 3, 2015

A New Jamaaliday Den + A New Graphic

Since Dew just posted the new item and Jamaaliday Gift, I will do the Jamaa Journal!
The Jamaaliday House is the SWEETEST den in all of Jamaa! 
Pick one up in the Diamond Shop for only 5 Diamonds
and invite your buddies over for a JAMAALIDAY PARTY!
The Phantoms have stolen all of the presents and hidden them in the Ice Labyrinth, where only the bravest animals can find them! Can  you help save the Jamaalidays in this COOL adventure for ALL JAMMERS?
Play Jamaaliday Rescue NOW!
Just in time for the Jamaalidays, these amazing
deer have returned to Jamaa and
are available for members for only 1000 Gems!
You can go to Jammer Central or click below to watch this SILLY video!
The Jamaalidays are here and with them
log onto Animal Jam everyday during the month
of December to receive your exclusive
Jamaaliday gifts! And on some days,
Jammers can receive a bonus Diamond
on some days throughout December!
Have you visited the Jamaaliday Jam
and adopted your own special pet Reindeer?
The Jamaaliday Gift Bag is back!
It is filled with gifts of the Jamaaliday past,
and each item is for all Jammers
and just 1 Diamond!
It's winter in Jamaa and the new
arctic foxes love the snow!
Be sure to pick up your own arctic fox
from the Diamond Shop today!
The last thing is something about the new
Polar Bear and exclusive den items.
Edit: Here is a new graphic I made!
This is thegreatanimaljammer, signing out!


  1. Awesome post! I love the graphic! :)

  2. To be honest though, the "Jamaaliday House" is literally the "Gingerbread House", but with an added gingerbread path, empty fire/candyplace, and some sort of candy circle.

    Also, author posting tip for the future; could you try not to post like AJHQ, where they capitalize random words? I'm sorry, but it bothers me ;-; Welp, other than that, this was an absolutely amazing post!

  3. Replies
    1. As for critique, the post content is great but words like 'Silly' are in all capitalized. It sounds like the Daily Explorer. :P

  4. NOTE: I am the REAL Snoodle AJ.
    I still play AJ. why was i like the blogger type in 2014-15?


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