Saturday, November 28, 2015

Non-Member Outfit Ideas : Pandas

Hey jammers! Panda here again, and this time with a super exciting post!

I decided to give my panda a new look today, and as I searched through all of my non-member items and was annoyed to find that practically nothing looked good on my panda! And since the panda was my first animal (and I'm literally the most sentimental person on the planet) I was not about to delete my adorable, chubby panda to get a bunny instead, even though everything looks good on the bunny.

So I pushed aside my frustrations and decided to turn it into a game: how many somewhat attractive outfits could I come up with for you guys, or at least, all of you guys that have pandas and are on the lookout for some cute non-member outfit ideas!

And here's what I came up with...

Cozy in Pink

To create this outfit, you only need a pink holiday sweater and a pink tiara.


Aspect of Nature

All that you need to purchase/own for this outfit is a rare head flower (a normal head flower would work as well) and a green ribbon scarf.


Pink Buttery Fluttery Butterfly

To recreate this ADORABLE outfit on your own, you'll just need a pink butterfly hair accessory and a pink ribbon scarf.

I hope that those helped you in some way! ^.^ If you liked this outfit ideas segment make sure to comment below "PANDAS ARE AWESOME" so that we can make more segments for different animals! Also, comment below requesting which animals you'd like to see in the upcoming segments! 


    ~Cheetah87516, not signed in

  2. Pandas are definitely awesome! Great clothing ideas! ^_^

    I think you should do wolves or bunnies or monkeys next!

    1. Happy to see that you support this new series! ^.^

      That would be awesome! Unfortunately, I don't own a monkey, bunny or wolf on my main account...

      Oh wait! I'll just make some spare accounts and create the other animals on those. Genius mode. XD


  4. Pandas ARE awesome
    What is your other animal (Sea Turtle, Penguin, or Seal so you can go underwater?)

    1. Yup! And my other animal is a seal. I'll have to create storage accounts to create the other animals so that I can continue the series with other animals. :)

  5. Love these outfits and pandas are indeed awesome and I like this series btw when are the holiday authors going to be announced bc I would like to know when they are going to start posting

    1. The holiday authors will be announced in today's post, but I (awesomepanda868) will be doing the first Jamaaliday gift post. The posting schedule will also be announced in today's post.



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