Saturday, October 31, 2015


credit to for this image
Happy Halloween for those of you who celebrate it, and if you don't, Happy Night of the Phantoms!
Special graphics to celebrate:
by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii (no credit required)

by arcticpenguinii (no credit required)

by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii

by arcticpenguinii
On another note, the Steampunk items are here in Outback Imports. Please give credit if using this gif.
by arcticpenguinii
The Daily Explorer has left a post about making dry ice root beer (umm...?)
And that's all for today, jammers! A prize guide for Bitter Sweets will be up soon. See you later!

Doomypanda Graphics

Here are some graphics by doomypanda of The Animal Jam Stream. They do not require credit, but you cannot claim them as your own. Enjoy!

Those are epic! Be sure to check back soon!

Night of the Phantoms Banner

It isn't very good, but it was short notice. Credit to arcticpenguinii

Monday, October 19, 2015

Stuff + New Graphics!

Hola! Sorry I haven't posted recently! I was in the city all weekend for my birthday (which was on Sunday) and didn't have a chance to post.

So... I have some new graphics for you! Since most of the graphics requests have been for icons and clothing items, I made several of those for you:

Tada! I'm too lazy to put the attribution with the whole 'by aweomepanda868' thingy underneath each one, but just know that you can use these without credit. :P

By the way, that last pink graphic is of the Spiked Hair item, not pink barf.

Ciao! (Wow, I said 'hello' earlier in this post in Spanish and 'good-bye' in Italian.)


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Long Time No See + Featured Graphics #22!

Hi jammers... for the first time in forever (no pun intended :P)...

I am seriously so sorry for the huge, huge posting gap. Like wow. Months.

I am so touched that you guys kept on sending in graphics, sending me concerned emails, leaving comments and just sticking with me even throughout this awkward, mysterious time. I feel awful for just leaving all of you sweet, wonderful people hanging like I did.

However, I am happy to say that I will be posting on here every so often with new graphics (feel free to send yours in!) and that I will resume responding to all of your new comments! But, I will probably not be super active on AJ, and will probably temporarily (or possibly permanently) pause commissions and eBook purchases.

Since I have a lot more work now, what with a new school year, I probably won't have the time to be as active on here. But I will try, for you guys.

Also, I feel so disappointed that just as I kind-of-not-really quit AJ/blogging, I get accepeted as an author to my all time favorite blog, Animal Jam Cheats and Codes. I mean, really, world? Why is life so unfair? :( I'll try and post there a couple of times though, if MisterChunkyBuddy will allow me to post less often. :)

Anyways... enough of my emotional ramblings. Lets get onto the Featured Graphics post!

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua


by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

 by QueenAqua
by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by QueenAqua

by Snoodle

by bunny21075

by QueenAqua

Wowza, right? This is possibly the most graphics we've ever featured in one post! XD A lot of you have been asking in the comments for more beta and item graphics. Well, QueenAqua definitely has you covered! ^.^ She sent in dozens of beautiful item graphics that I'm sure that you can put to good use! And several other jammers featured in this post also sent in lovely animal and item graphics as well!

I hope you all have a great day!
