Saturday, July 18, 2015

Snow Leopards in the Photo Booth...

Is it just me or do snow leopards have one of the weirdest and most awkward positions of all of the animals when in the Photo Booth?

Besides maybe the crocodile...

Yeah. *awkward silence*

Also, I made 2 quick graphics of my animals:

So... erm... yeah. 

If you have any graphics, make sure to send them in for tomorrow's Featured Graphics post!


P.S. My membership runs out in 7 days, so I'm trying to squeeze in as many graphics, commissions, photos and Fate pictures as I can before my animals, gifting ability and clothes/den items are locked away.


  1. How are they awkward? Anyway, do you still write Fate? If you do, post them on this blog please, I haven't seen any new Fate posts lately -D6

    1. They just look sort of odd to me. :P And I've been taking a break from Fate, but I'll resume it soon. I always post the new chapters on the blog, there just haven't been any recently.

    2. The outfit on the gator just adds to the weirdness

    3. What's the link to the Fate blog? -D6

  2. The gator one looks like it's doing an Egyptian dance. XD

  3. The snow leopard looks like it is floating if you like at it's paws XD

  4. It's so true. And depressing, considering that they are two of my favorite animals.

    1. Yeah, the snow leopard was always one of my favorite animals, as was the crocodile, but I never found any clothing that would look good on the croc. :P


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