Monday, July 20, 2015

(Hopefully) More Organized + Faster Commissions Page

Hey jammers! I've begun to notice that the Commissions page is getting quite slow: the high volume of comments and great number of images and text on the page is making it nearly impossible to navigate comfortably. Two people recently contacted me about this page being slightly unorganized and confusing, and I completely agree.

I will not be clearing out the comments: they act a sort of "portfolio" for me. However, instead of listing all of the commissions on that page, I am beginning to transfer the each commission type (ex: signatures, headers, graphics, templates etc.) onto a separate page. I am also revising the examples, templates and descriptions to make everything make a bit more sense. ^.^

I hope this helps you!



  1. I like JUST commented that the commissions page was messy a few hours ago o.o

    1. Haha! Yeah, I took your input into consideration, remembered that one or two others had suggested a similar thing, and I also factored in that I was beginning to noticed that the commissions page was hard to navigate and slowing down.

    2. I've been meaning to tell you that for a REALLY long time

    3. Wait ... I still see the old version ... did you change it yet?

    4. The only one that I've changed so far is the signatures: there should now be a link leading to a separate page to order a signature. I haven't gotten around to changing the other categories yet: been really busy and actually "enjoying" playing AJ for a bit instead of worrying about updating this blog. XD

    5. That makes more sense. If you need any help, you can always ask me. I know I haven't done much for the blog in a while, so I was wondering if you need any help with a commission, or a new template, or something.

      The other thing I was wondering was how exactly the eCourses work. Maybe a brief explanation or something?

    6. On the "Signatures" page, I was wondering if you could handle the signature request there: it's a quickie, and it would be a huge help! ^.^

      Also, the eCourses are basically online courses or classes via eBook, (for registering, you'll get an information-packed book that I wrote specifically for that course) consultations and support. You can ask me any questions or for any tips for the 4 days following your registry. ^.^

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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