Friday, July 31, 2015


Here is your commission. I made two versions since I wasn't sure which one you wanted.

I hope you like it!

New Batch of Graphics!

Hey jammers! Here is a fresh batch of graphics (the way I just said that sounded as though I was baking cookies or something :P) of some of the items in Jamaa!

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868
by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868
by awesomepanda868

Hope that you like them! ^.^


Thursday, July 30, 2015

New eCourse Survey!

Hey guys! Click the link below to access a brand-new survey!

>> CLICK ME! <<

Within the survey, you can vote on some new courses to come to AJGC!


Back + New Fate Chapter Soon

Hey jammers! ^.^

So... I got back from my trip (drove across 4 different U.S. states!) and had tons of fun. :D I hope that you've all had an exciting week as well!

I'll publish a new Fate chapter soon, but unfortunately, since I am no longer a member, there won't be any/as many pictures. I managed to snap some quick pictures of a key location in one of my member dens right before my membership ran out, and I have graphics of most of the key characters (so I can just Photoshop them into the scenes later) but I probably won't have as many good photos. :( I hope you will still enjoy the chapters, though! ^.^ I'll try and make the Photoshopped images as realistic as I can so that it looks like a real screenshot.



P.S. All commission will resume on Saturday: I'm too tired to work on them today, and tomorrow I have some things to do.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Vacation + How to Address Blogger Notification

Hey jammers! Panda here! Sorry for my absence: unfortunately I'll be gone for two or three more days.

I'm going on a mini-vacation, and I'll be gone for the next few days. It would be great if the authors could post, but that's completely up to them. ^.^

Also, I noticed that lots of blogs received this notification:

(click to enlarge)
This is nothing to worry about (at least I don't think it is). I received this notification on this blog, as well as on several other Blogger blogs that I control. 

From my interpretation, this is a notification calling for some sort of legal statement on your blog explaining how your website uses cookies and cache data. Basically, cookies are these things that track and "record" people's data and information when they visit your site. Legally, you are supposed to have one of these Copyright/Privacy Policy/Terms of Use/Disclaimer pages on your blog, but since none of us are really "serious" bloggers, I wouldn't really bother with it, unless you want to. If you do want to create a Copyright & Policies page, I highly recommend it: it makes you look super cool and pro (because we all need more swagginess in our lives, yes?) and it's legally correct. To create a legally "okay" Privacy Policy, you can click here to see the one that I wrote, and edit it to fit your own blog.

I'll see you all in a few days! ^.^ Also, all commissions that are currently active will be temporarily postponed until after I get back, since (unfortunately) we are not bringing my Mac laptop with us on our trip.


P.S. To address all of the Jam-a-Gram's I have been getting: 1) yes, I am a non-member now; 2) I cannot reply to any of your JAG's with proper responses anymore (unless you want me to reply with "Dolphins Rock!" or "Let's Play Rock Paper Scissors!") so if I don't reply to your message, please don't feel insulted; 3) no, I do not plan to become a member again, though it is a possibility.

Friday, July 24, 2015


Okay, so I just lost my membership a few hours ago. :( So sad to see all of my cute little animals in storage...

Anyways, I saw this weird glitch when I was scrolling through the "Members Only Benefits."

Yeah, because I totally want to join the club so I can "Insert Text Here" and "Another Text Here." Sounds like a great way to spend money. :P


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fate - Chapter 8

Note: There is some extremely minor violence in this chapter.


"This is it," Count said, taking a deep breath.

The three newfound friends had arrived at a towering stone castle. It was, as they had heard, the home of the deer shaman, Sigurd.

Two tall statues of Sigurd stood on either side of a wooden drawbridge. They seemed to guard the entrance, giving the threesome a forbidding look.

"Well, there's nothing for it," Count took another deep breath and stepped onto the drawbridge. "Sigurd?"

Myth stepped onto the bridge after him and called, "Sigurd?"

Sparkle followed close behind, and soon she was yelling, "Are you there?"

"Come in," an icy, male voice echoed from within the castle.

Nervously, the three entered the castle, clinging together in a sort of pack.

Inside, a tall white deer stood. He had an icy blue underbelly and wore a light grey spiked collar, bow and arrows and white leafed leg armor. His gaze was steady and cold, just like the castle decor: crystals, ice-forged objects... even the blue flames of the lone fire in the castle gave off an icy chill.

Myth and Sparkle, who were used to below freezing temperatures after their abuse at the Gofnak camp didn't mind the frigid atmosphere of Sigurd's castle as much as Count, who shivered, his teeth chattering.

"I see that your companion is... er... not enjoying the temperature, yes?" Sigurd asked, looking slightly amused as he regarded Count. 

Not sure how to respond to this (completely true) statement, the threesome waited for the deer shaman in front of them to speak again.

"And why might you three be here?" Sigurd questioned again, any hint of humor that previously lingered in his voice was now gone. His eyes locked onto Count's shiny brown badge, and, confused, he surveyed the threesome, newfound curiosity replacing his suspicions.

Count and Myth looked out at the open drawbridge nervously. 

"Oh," Sigurd noticed this and led them down a set of winding, stone stairs to a dungeon-like room. The room held a large crystal couch and a lone crystal chair, with a ginormous crystal table at the center of it all. 

Count, Myth and Sparkle all squeezed onto the couch so that Sigurd could have his own chair.

They sat in an awkward silence for a moment, and then Sigurd spoke up.

"So," he said. "Why are you here?"

"We've... umm... come to ask for your help," Myth answered.

"My help?" Sigurd's voice turned cold. "Why don't you ask Liza? She'll save you from everything, won't she, now that she's all famous?"

"Liza and the other alphas are destroyed," Count said. "You and the other minor alphas--"

"Oh, so that's what we are," Sigurd sneered, a mad, angry gleam in his eyes. His voice had grown even icier and had a sharp edge to it, so that when he spoke again, it was like a blade had cut through the air. "We're just the minor alphas. Don't bother with us: the ones who've actually done everything."

"I'm sorry," Count said quickly. "I didn't mean it like that--"

Sigurd cut him off again. But this time, his voice was a soft whisper. "It's not your fault that you think that we're minor," he looked down at his hooves.

"Excuse me?" Myth asked cautiously. "What did you mean by 'the ones who've actually done everything'?" 

"Oh, yes," Sigurd said. "That is quite a story."

as told by Sigurd

Long ago, before you youngsters were born, even before Count Fieryspirit was born, all of the alphas were equal. We roamed the lands, protecting innocent jammers from phantoms. All of us. And the jammers all thought highly of each of us: Liza, Sir Gilbert, Peck, Greely, Cosmo, Graham, Amelia, Marco, Harper, Otto, Sophia, Ruby, Edmund, Cornelius, La Salle, and even me. 

One morning, as I was walking along a river with two of my friends, Otto, the elephant shaman and Cornelius, the alligator shaman, I noticed that the water in the stream was beginning to turn a dark, unpleasant purple color. I pointed this out to Otto and Cornelius.

"The phantoms are polluting the river!" Otto cried. He had studied the phantoms for fifteen long years and was now skilled in detecting their traces, making him one of the most useful alphas.

"Should we call the others?" I asked, my heart beating faster. I was a young alpha then, and had yet to face a full phantom army: I had only defeated a few measly phantoms here and there around Jamaa.

"There isn't any time," Cornelius objected. "The phantoms will be here by noon if we don't find their phantom pipes soon enough. Calling the others would take up half of that time.

Otto and Cornelius raced towards the source of the pollution, and I followed. After a few long, silent minutes, we found a huge, phantom pipe. It was spitting out purple water out into the glistening stream, first only streaking it, then completely engulfing it in the pollution. It was horrible to watch: to see such beautiful liquid ruined by such awful things.

Otto grabbed his enchanted broadsword, Cornelius took up a pair of curved, sparkling daggers, and I nocked one of my own magical arrows in my bow. We all launched our attack on the pipe at the same time; Otto and Cornelius viciously hacking at the pipes while I shot arrow after arrow. It wasn't long before we stood, triumphant over a broken and crumbled phantom pipe. 

By now, the other alphas began to arrive, each one appearing in a magnificent cloud of smoke. The color of the smoke varied from alpha to alpha: Peck's was bubblegum pink, Liza's was royal purple, Greely's was deep black, Cosmos' was dark green and Sir Gilbert's was a noble blue. Mine was an icy white color.

Once nearly all of the alphas appeared, Liza spoke first. "What happened?"

"We saw that the river had been polluted by phantoms," Otto explained. "So we raced upstream to find the source, and we destroyed the phantom pipe."

"That is quite a feat!" Sophia, the horse shaman exclaimed.

"Yes," Greely said, a touch of admiration in his voice. This was before Greely became a coward and joined forces with Count Fieryspirit and the phantoms just to save his own pathetic life.

"Yes, quite a feat indeed," Liza added, a dangerous glimmer in her eyes. "One might wonder who was truly behind this phantom attack." Her eyes darted between the three of us, that same, mysterious glint in her beautiful purple eyes.

"What?" Cornelius blurted, forgetting all respect he held for Liza. "What in Jamaa are you talking about?!"

"All I'm trying to say," Liza said, putting her hands up in mock innocence. And that glint; that awful new shimmer in her eyes. Her mouth turned up into a sneer. "Is that you three were awfully quick to find this phantom pipe."

"Otto has studied the phantoms and their ways for fifteen years," I protested, catching on to what Liza was getting at. "We didn't start the attack: we just noticed it quickly and wanted to make sure that the phantoms didn't do any damage."

"And why didn't you call the rest of us to help you?" Sir Gilbert asked, that same glimmer taking over his serious, green eyes.

"Calling even a single alpha takes about a minute of immense concentration!" Sophia cried, incredulous. "If Otto, Sigurd and Cornelius had called even one of us, it would have slowed them down greatly and phantoms would be roaming freely across our lands this very moment!" She was yelling now, her beautiful face wreathed in fury.

Names of Alphas: Peck (Bunny), La Salle (Raccoon), Cosmo (Koala), Graham (Monkey), Marco (Penguin), Amelia (Fox), Otto (Elephant), Sir Gilbert (Tiger), Edmund (Giraffe), Sophia (Horse), Sigurd (Deer), Liza (Panda), Ruby (Rhino), Harper (Seal), Cornelius (Alligator), Greely (Wolf)
Peck, Greely, Cosmo and Graham now had the same evil glint in their eyes as Liza and Sir Gilbert. 

"Am I the only one who is rather suspicious of the fact that Otto, Sigurd and Cornelius were able to destroy an entire phantom pipe?" Liza asked, her voice booming with a menace that I had never heard before.

"Perhaps Otto and his friends caused the attack themselves," Greely sneered, all admiration that had previously laced his voice now replaced by doubt and cruelty. 

"Maybe they just have more guts than you do!" Marco, the penguin shaman, shouted boldly at Greely. 

"What?" snapped Greely, infuriated. "Don't you dare speak to me that way!"

Liza, unaffected by this quarrel, spoke again. "I think that these silly alphas were simply trying to call attention to themselves: as some of the youngest, most unachieved shamans, they just wanted to prove themselves worthy of their titles."

Fury bubbled inside me like a hot brew. Unachieved? What had happened to Liza and the others? The Liza I knew would have congratulated Otto on his quick thinking and perhaps even promoted him. But this... this creature that I thought I knew? Nothing more than a shell of what Liza used to be.

The other alphas stepped to our side: La Salle, Marco, Amelia, Edmund, Sophia, Ruby and Harper.

"What happened to you guys?" Edmund asked Liza and the other "major" alphas, hand planted firmly on the hilt of his sword.

Peck sneered. "Are you challenging me?"

Ruby, the rhino shaman, snorted. "Peck is half the size of Edmund: he'd wipe the floor with her in a fight."

Peck raised a humored eyebrow at Ruby. "I've trained in the martial arts for seven years: I doubt that Edmund here would stand a chance, what with his long, spindly neck and unbalanced limbs." She spat on the ground.

Graham stepped forward. The darkness of the new glint in his eyes was not as black as that of the others, and he spoke much more kindly than the others; but not exactly kindly. "Liza, Cosmo, Sir Gilbert, Greely, Peck and I are now the Major Alphas. You have two choices: you can die, right now, and keep your inflated pride, or you can become one of the Minor Alphas and fall, forever into our service."

"I think we should kill them all right now," Greely grunted under his breath. "They'll just get in the way."

"Well?" Graham asked us, as we pondered out options: both of which were awful.

Liza whipped out a steel blade and held it to Sophia's throat. Cosmo unsheathed his own sword and held it against Marco's. Greely held his curved, iron blade to Harper's, Sir Gilbert held his shortsword to mine, Graham held his long, angled sword to Otto's, and Peck held her two daggers against La Salle's.

"Tick, tock," Graham reminded us, tightening his grip around Otto. Otto squealed in pain as he struggled to breath against the monkey's solid grasp.

Cornelius held up a hand just as Sir Gilbert's shortsword began to cut into my fur. "Wait!" the alligator cried, his eyes brimming with tears. "Will you not spare them? We will become minor alphas, just leave my friends in peace!"

The new Major Alphas released their grips and their weapons, and as Sir Gilbert dropped me to the ground, I panted for breath, ignoring the cut made in my fur that was now trickling blood, staining my light gray fur with red.

"Oh my sweet little croc," Liza said to Cornelius, smiling a sickly smile. "We will never be at peace."


I hope you enjoyed that! ^.^ I'll probably publish another chapter soon. :)



My membership runs out in 2 days, and AJ just came out with the adorable bounce house den. I mean, c'mon!! XD I bought it anyways, though (such a rebel, no?) so if you want to check it out, my den is unlocked! ^.^

Also, it seems like this should have been a den for non-members: the price was less, and the overall den is smaller. I'm not saying that non-members deserve smaller dens, but it seems like AJHQ could have given them this den and still made money on memberships and such.


Monday, July 20, 2015

(Hopefully) More Organized + Faster Commissions Page

Hey jammers! I've begun to notice that the Commissions page is getting quite slow: the high volume of comments and great number of images and text on the page is making it nearly impossible to navigate comfortably. Two people recently contacted me about this page being slightly unorganized and confusing, and I completely agree.

I will not be clearing out the comments: they act a sort of "portfolio" for me. However, instead of listing all of the commissions on that page, I am beginning to transfer the each commission type (ex: signatures, headers, graphics, templates etc.) onto a separate page. I am also revising the examples, templates and descriptions to make everything make a bit more sense. ^.^

I hope this helps you!


@Jamaasian Spirits PART 1

Hey jammers! I'm here today with the first part of Jamaasian Spirits' commission! I have yet to make the blog changes and a few more of the elements, but here are the header and signatures. ^.^



Hope you like them! ^.^


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Featured Graphics #22!

Hey jammers! Welcome to yet another Featured Graphics segment! ^.^

by Mimi5000

by Mimi5000

by Cutepups522

by Cutepups522

by Mimi5000

by Mimi5000

by Mimi5000

by Mimi5000

by nafaria9

by Cutepups522
by Mimi5000

by Mimi5000

by Cutepups522

by Cutepups522

by Cutepups522

by Cutepups522

by Cutepups522

by Mimi5000

by Mimi5000

by DoomyPanda

by DoomyPanda

As always great job to all of the contributors! :)


P.S. Stay tuned for a new eCourse soon on how to make your very own (stunning) graphics!