Friday, May 15, 2015

Ehh..No Name?

Hey guys! I am so sorry, but I hav decided to take a break from Animal Jam. I suppose I might play around sometimes, but I always feel obligated to make graphics, and well, I just am WAY too busy. I have been traveling alot, and I have gotten a little behind in school, and it's just been REALLY REALLY crazy. I'm sorry! I will be back in a few weeks, it's just so much more relaxing when I am not running around hurry up with chores and stuff, so I could play on the computer. I was also getting really lazy, because I was on the computer SO much. I don't wanna be unhealthy. I just want to have fun, and be a healthy, happy, down to earth girl, instead of frying my brains out everyday. So, I am just going to do things at my leisure. Please do understand me. I want to be happy and heathy, not unheathly, and grumpy. I will post graphics every once and a while, and I WILL play Animal Jam. Just not EVERY day. I might be on for a few minutes, but my family and my real life are really important to me, and I have noticed that as I have been growing up. Thanks for being there for me. I love you all, and thanks for being the best friends I could ever have. My channel won't be very active, however, I do have some videos I need to post, so be on the lookout! (P.S. I changed my Youtube name, to fit my username. It's Veterinariann AJ.

Jam on!



  1. I don't remember you... Wait, are you Rainbowcat1?

    1. Mhm. I changed my username.

      ~Veterinariann (A.K.A. RainbowCat1)

    2. I am not signed in btw. =)


  2. It's perfectly fine. ^.^ I totally understand why you wanted to take a break... sometimes Animal Jam, blogging and graphic making can get in the way of life and leisurely activities.

  3. I LOOOOVE ur philosophy, but I'm sadly addicted to AJ. Help!


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