Friday, May 15, 2015

Ehh..No Name?

Hey guys! I am so sorry, but I hav decided to take a break from Animal Jam. I suppose I might play around sometimes, but I always feel obligated to make graphics, and well, I just am WAY too busy. I have been traveling alot, and I have gotten a little behind in school, and it's just been REALLY REALLY crazy. I'm sorry! I will be back in a few weeks, it's just so much more relaxing when I am not running around hurry up with chores and stuff, so I could play on the computer. I was also getting really lazy, because I was on the computer SO much. I don't wanna be unhealthy. I just want to have fun, and be a healthy, happy, down to earth girl, instead of frying my brains out everyday. So, I am just going to do things at my leisure. Please do understand me. I want to be happy and heathy, not unheathly, and grumpy. I will post graphics every once and a while, and I WILL play Animal Jam. Just not EVERY day. I might be on for a few minutes, but my family and my real life are really important to me, and I have noticed that as I have been growing up. Thanks for being there for me. I love you all, and thanks for being the best friends I could ever have. My channel won't be very active, however, I do have some videos I need to post, so be on the lookout! (P.S. I changed my Youtube name, to fit my username. It's Veterinariann AJ.

Jam on!


Blogging Tip -- Change Quality of Images on Blogger

Hey jammers... I know I said I'd be taking a break, but I just noticed a Blogger bug, and I decided to share the fix with you guys. I've decided to share occasional Blogger tips and keep the Dear Panda advice column and post it occasionally, but otherwise take a complete break.

Have you noticed how Blogger has lowered the default image quality? Take a look at this image:

To improve the image quality, go into the HTML post editor and change the following code:

Notice how it says s400? Look for similar code in your image HTML coding, and change the s400 to something higher, like s1600. Take a look at the difference!

Just in case you were having that problem. :)


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Update and missed posts

Hey, guys. Since panda is on break, I'm gonna try to post every day. Today we got a new Jamaa Journal. Yay earliness.

I'm starting to wonder if they bring back and take away animals just so they get attention. Not a lot of people really like cheetahs. If you're looking for the minibook, it's under the panda statue and tapestry in the Chamber of Knowledge.
I spent HOURS looking in the Sol Arcade for this before I realized it's a buddy game. It doesn't actually give instructions, and I can't figure it out. Anyone wanna explain?
BUT I HATE THIS ONE! Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but it's the one that I liked least. If you buy the dragon egg, which is the only nm item in the set, click on it! It's so cute!
They bring back cheetahs, and take away otters? That's not very nice.
I donated some gems to lions, so I checked out some of the exhibits. And the summer carnival rises again soon.
The last page which I'm not posting is another spring bunny ad.
Today's Wednesday coupon is for a deluxe pack for only a 1,000 gems item. Yes, I'm still doing commissions while panda is gone.
That's all I have today! See you later!

Monday, May 11, 2015

It's Time For a Break...

Hey jammers. Don't worry -- I'm not quitting. But I am taking a break from blogging. I'll still be on Animal Jam, but for me, blogging about updates every day has lost it's glamor.

Trust me, I'd rather this not happen. But it had to be done. For a variety of reasons.
  • My grades have to be kept up -- blogging has lowered my grades dramatically (no time to study), and I really value school and I want to earn good grades.
  • I feel as though I'm disappointing everyone when I can't post (I forgot to do so much stuff for the blog yesterday).
  • I see myself as an overachiever, so I set huge goals for myself that have now decided to swallow me whole. Do you know how hard it is to write an animal facts segment, tips segment, create a decent file to give away for free, create interesting and thought-provoking questions, do one of the previous tasks all over again, create a chapter of a story, give away some of my services for free, create a fun activity or mystery segment and hope that some people send in graphics for that week so I can compose a Featured Graphics post. Add creating dozens of commissions (most of them for free) and keeping 2 other websites along with this one and keeping everyone happy, and you've got yourself a mess. I blame nobody except myself for setting myself up for this, but I couldn't take it anymore.
  • When I grow up, I want to be a web developer (someone who writes that long HTML code in your website that keeps it going) or graphic designer (someone who creates pretty images for your site and makes it look nice) and charge some money for my services. (I'd also like to be an author and a teacher, but that's not really relevant.) Giving away free commissions was really a practice for that, and now that I've begun to get a little better at it, I can't give my work away anymore for free, not even for items (after all, if I ever do quit AJ, the items won't serve a purpose). I'll be permanently stopping or temporarily postponing Commissions. I haven't decided yet.
I'm really sorry. I'll be returning in at most 3 months to finalize some decisions, but you can always contact me if you like. :) I am also sorry if this post sounded selfish, self-absorbed or mean in any way, I just wanted to express my feelings.

Contests and such will be concluded after I return (so you guys all have an extra few weeks to enter).

It would mean the world to me if one of the authors could post (occasionally). But only if you guys want to. ^.^



Sunday, May 10, 2015

Flower Bracelet

New item is flower bracelet in Jam Mart Clothing.

See ya. (sorry for short post -- gotta go)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Flower Crown + Saturday Commission Raffle (Winner + New One)!

Hi jammers! I better make this post quick (my grandparents are coming soon for a visit).

The new item is the spring flower crown in Jam Mart Clothing:

I really like this item -- perfect for spring (I bet it would look stunning on a Spring Bunny!) and so many colors available.

For the Saturday Commission Raffle, I'll be giving away 2 custom graphics, 1 custom set of social media buttons and 6 custom signatures. Just comment a number from 1 - 100 for a chance to win!

The winner of last week's raffle is Mesha336! She receives: 2 custom graphics, 3 custom signatures, 1 custom 'Grab My Button' and the installation of 3 blog add-ons of her choice

The first Dear Panda edition was posted earlier today, and until 11:30 PM AJGC time tonight, you can ask me any blogging questions you want! Click here to ask some questions!

Ciao jammers! I can see my grandparents' car pulling into the driveway, so I'd better go!


Dear Panda // 1

Can I have some overall feedback on my site?

I just added ______ to my site -- does it look okay?

What do you think of my design?

Is my sidebar/footer too cluttered?

How can I _____?

I just began a blog -- how can I gain more viewers and encourage them to comment?

The Dear Panda weekly blog design advice column is open until 11:30 PM AJGC time tonight, and until then, you can post blogging-related questions for me to answer sometime during the day tomorrow.

 You have the mic. What questions do you have? Remember, the more questions you ask, the more we learn from each other, so don't forget to tell your buddies about this, share this on social media/reblog this and post all the questions you have


Friday, May 8, 2015


Hey jammers! TGIF, eh?

The new item is the bicycle in Jam Mart Furniture:

I really like this item -- non-member and comes in great colors!

I know it seems like I've been slacking lately on the posts... but the truth is, I run two other websites, and to be honest, those other two websites actually make money, and this one doesn't. I'm still dedicated to this one, it's just not always my first priority... Plus, I've begun to get more homework and I really have to focus on my studies.

It would amazing if one of the authors could post a Friday Fun edition (just check the schedule on the sidebar if you're not sure what to post) but I completely understand if you can't/don't want to. :P


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Inline Skates + Think About it Thursday!

Hey jammers! In two days, I'll be publishing the first ever Dear Panda segment -- a weekly series (posted every Saturday) in which you can post questions related to blogging (ex: How does the overall design of my blog look? What could I add to my blog to make it better? How can I get more views and comments? I just added            to my blog, how does it look? etc.). This new series is active now, since answering blogging questions specific to certain users on the Ask AJGC and Blogging Tips & Tricks page was consuming huge amounts of my time during the week (don't worry, it wasn't any of your faults, I just have a hugely busy schedule) so I decided to make those types of questions not allowed, except on Saturdays when Dear Panda is posted.

Anyways... the new item is the inline skates in Jam Mart Furniture!

I remember this item from last year -- sometime in the spring/summer it was released, was it not? Overall, I think these skates are pretty neat. They come in nice colors, they are pretty cheap, and they are for non-members! ^.^

For today's Think About it Thursday, I'll be posting a little mystery for you -- what/why do you think those sparkles on Zios' shrine are/got there?

Also, make sure to enter the story contest by clicking here! Hurry, because it ends on May 19th!

Have an amazing day, everyone! :D And don't forget to send in graphics that you made this week! 


P.S. We've almost reached 30,000 views! :O

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Croquet Set + Horseshoe Set + Wednesday Freebie!

Hey guys! Sorry that nobody could post yesterday -- the authors and I were very busy. >.<

I have to post yesterday and today's new item -- so here we go!

These items look pretty good overall -- I really like how AJHQ is introducing tons of sports items and outdoor activity sets.

Since I don't have too much time, (and I also want to work on some page content as well as work on my The Dancing Panda site) I'll post a quick little freebie for the Wednesday Freebie. Here is a gold leaf texture sidebar heading pack! I know that the Wednesday Freebies are supposed to be free, but these took awhile, so I'll be offering two of the sidebar headings for download as a freebie, and the actual pack (11 gold-leaf-textured sidebar headings, an example image, watermarked example image and 3 coupons for a custom-made gold-leaf sidebar heading) will be available for 1,00 gems. Ti download your two free sidebar headings, click below:



And here is the example image:

I'd better go study -- see you guys!


Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Hello guys... I'm afraid that I have to ask for the help of the amazing, kind, enduring and generous authors once more... I have tons (and I mean tons) of homework today, and I actually won't be able to find time to blog. I'm posting this on one of my five-minute breaks I'm allowing myself throughout studying and homework. >.< Thank you to Snowypaw, for posting yesterday, also a hugely busy day for me! I love you all, and I'm sorry I haven't been very active lately. DX

Have a great day lovelies! If one of the authors can't post either, I'll try to post late at night, but I doubt that will happen. >.<


Monday, May 4, 2015

Rare Winged Shoes and Sloths

Hello! I thought that I would post today since I have some spare time in my hands. Anyways today's Rare Item Monday is the Rare Winged Shoes for sale in Jam Mart Clothing!

I think that AJHQ are becoming less and less creative with RIM's I mean really who wants a recolored version of an already/previously released item? What you do guys think? Speaking of todays RIM there is a new post on the Daily Explorer about it:  

Here is Monday's Segment! Fun Animal Facts. Today's facts are going to be about the adorable yet slightly creepy Sloths!

  • Their habitats are Central and South America
  • They mainly eat leaves
  • There are two different species of sloth: the Two-toed sloth and the three-toed sloth
  • They spend most of their lives in trees as they can't walk too fast

Now just a quick question to end today's post,What you guys think about the new Beach House Den? Would you buy it? (if you haven't already) or would you not?

I hope you enjoyed today's post! Happy Jamming :) 

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Here is a little banner I just whipped up for Twinkle's story. Hope you enjoy it!

If you want a different background, just let me know, because I still have the original version:


Featured Graphics #19!

Hi jammers! Not many people submitted this week (and I'm really busy today and just barely found time to post this) so there won't be a lot of graphics in this post -- apologies. >.<

by nafaria9

by nafaria9

by numnum13

Sorry for the small amount of graphics. >.< But make sure to send in graphics for next week's post!


Charm Bracelet!

Hey jammers! ^.^

The new item is the charm bracelet in Jam Mart Clothing!

I love how AJHQ incorporated the alphas into another item (previously the alphas were in the Alpha Portraits, Alpha Tiki Statues etc.) and the colors that this item comes in are awesome! The only critique I have is how expensive the item is and how non-members can't wear it. >.<

I've got to go now, and besides, I'm completely out of ideas for the Sunday Fun today. >.< Anyone got some inspiration?


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Feather Earrings + Feather Tail + Enchanted Earth News/Sneak Peek + Saturday Commission Raffle (Winners + New One)!

Hey jammers! ^.^

The new items today are the feather earrings for sale in Jam Mart Clothing!

This item is pretty nifty -- I like the tribal feel that the earrings have, and also love the different color customization options available.

Also, this feather tail item was released yesterday (forgot to post about it). It would go very well withe the feather earrings released today, don't you think? ^.^ Perhaps we'll see more feathered items tomorrow. 

Remember that Enchanted Earth preview/leaked image we saw a few weeks ago? Just to refresh your memory:

See that pink patterned fox on the far left? According to the following image, (found on The Animal Jam Spirit) that fox is named Naya, and she is the first in Animal Jam's line of plushies and figurines called Enchanted Earth. 

Note: I edited the above image a little bit to make it show up clearer.

According to her little blurb: Naya is curious and loyal. She loves socializing withe everyone and everything. If it were up to her everything in Jamaa would be pink. Her favorite thing to do in Jamaa is go to parties.

That toy figurine/plush looks awesome (and it will most likely be coming out next month!) but it looks mostly targeted towards little girls (in the article it said that the series was mostly for a target audience of seven to eleven year old girls) hopefully a series will be released that is directed towards boys as well, or at least a series for older kids. ^.^ Even so, this series looks awesome! :D These toys will cost around $5-$20 US dollars.

Also, according to the text in the article/image above, Animal Jam gets 1.2 million new users per month! Wow... I had no idea that many new users joined each month! O,O

Now it's time for our Saturday Commission Raffle...

The winner of last week's raffle is arcticpenguinii! He wins 4 custom signatures, 1 custom graphic, 1 free custom back-to-top button and 1 custom header.

For this week's raffle, I'll be giving away 2 custom graphics, 3 custom signatures, 1 custom 'Grab My Button' and the installation of 3 blog add-ons of your choice. Just comment a number from 1 to 100 for a chance to win!

Oh, and also, be sure to send in any graphics you made this week to be featured in tomorrow's Featured Graphics post! Any graphics are welcome! Just send them in to:

Have a nice day, everyone! :D


Friday, May 1, 2015

Lilly of the Valley Plants + Ask Panda + Friday Fun!

Hi jammers! I have quite a bit to cover today: the new items, a new series (and a very IMPORTANT notice) and a free eBook for you guys!

The new items are the Lilly of the Valley and the Lilly of the Vally Bouquet in Treetop Gardens!

I love these flower collections -- they add such a beautiful, spring-like feel to dens! Not to mention, I just spotted a few bunches of these little beauties scattered around my garden earlier today. ^.^

So, I've noticed that most of the questions asked on the Ask AJGC page are about blogging. And to be quite honest, I created the page for general questions (favorite color, favorite food etc.) and the occasional graphic or blogging related question. Since I spend a lot of time answering tons of blogging-related questions via email and on that page, I'll be answering accepting blogging questions once a week on Saturdays and answering them all on Sunday. I'm sorry if this is inconvenient for you, but I actually have a life outside of Animal Jam and blogging (Gasp! Panda has a life?) and to be honest I don't want to spend it answering blogging questions. So in my spare time on Sundays, I'll answer all of the questions on the Ask Panda post I made on Sunday. If you need immediate help, you can open a ticket in the Help Center, but expect a delay in response. Also, if there are any questions about this new Ask Panda series, feel free to comment down below. I'll be posting a notice on the Ask AJGC page about this, though I will answer any blogging-related questions right after I finish this post -- but only those that are currently up on the page. The first Ask Panda will take place next Saturday (May 9th) so be sure to subscribe to the site so you can get any new updates!

Sorry if that part of the post was a bit of a downer... but I hope to cheer you up with a free eBook! I'm working on a larger eBook that I will potentially later sell on The Dancing Panda (my other site) but I modified that eBook (containing 50 tips to make your blog even more awesome) to just 3 tips for today's purpose. I just begun the book last night at 8:00 PM, so excuse any errors. XD Click the button below to download!

Have an amazing day, everyone! :D



Hey guys! It's Veterinariann here (RainbowCat1, I changed my username c;), and I just wanted to inform you that I am having some traveling times in this upcoming week, and I will be absent, but I promise that I will have a lot of graphics for you all, when I return!

Travel dates:
(All times are based on Pacific West Coast time)
Gone May 1st- May 9th
Back for a week
Gone May 17th - May 23rd
Back for 4 days
Gone May 31st - June 3rd

Sorry for my absence everyjammer! I will try my best to make some AWESOME graphics for ya'll!

Jam On!! <3
