Thursday, April 30, 2015

Updates + Beach House Den Tour + Think About it Thursday!

Hi jammers! We have a ton to cover today! ^.^

The new edition of the Jamaa Journal came out!

I love this den so much! I bought it just now, and it's open for you guys to check out! Feel free to stop by! I haven't decorated it yet, but I'll make sure to add some patio chairs, beach towels and inner tubes on the beach (can you believe that you get your own private beach with this den!??!). Unfortunately it's in the Diamond Shop, but it's HUGE and definitely worth the diamonds! I'll post a tour of this amazing, luxurious den later in the post!

Awesome! I voted for the sandbox set, but they all sound swell!

Yay, the cheetahs are returning!

This was in the last Jamaa Journal, so it doesn't really need explaining. :P

Anyways, here is that tour I promised of this new beach-y and summer-y den!

That last picture is where they took that 'Coming Soon!' photo in the last Jamaa Journal, I believe. ^.^

I love this den so much--it is so relaxing and calm, and the size is much more manageable than the Sky Kingdom. :P I'll decorate it later, but don't be afraid to stop by awesomepanda868's den for a peek at the new Beach House! :D

For today's Think About it Thursday, I have a little question for you:

What is your favorite den?

Even if you're a non-member, you can answer with a member den or a non-member den.

I gotta go, but have a great day everyone!



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