Saturday, April 18, 2015

Three Horned Armor + Cruise Ship Party Tour + Saturday Commission Raffle (Last Week's Winners & New One)!

Hi jammers! ^.^ Sorry that I couldn't post yesterday, but you guys still got to read an amazing post by the wonderful arcticpenguinii! Thanks Arctic, for filling in for me! :D Anyways, I'm feeling much better (Thank you for all of your get well wishes on my post, though! You guys are so amazing! ^.^) so I can begin posting today. I'm not sure I'll be able to post a new chapter of Fate or a Happy Movement segment, but I'll try. ^.^

The new item is the three horned armor in Jam Mart Clothing!

I really like this item, because it comes in so many colors, goes really will with items like spike collars and helmets, but the last 10 clothing items released were members only! Why can't AJHQ give non-members one new item! Let's cross our paws and hope that tomorrow's item is for all jammers, though. ^.^

I went to the new Cruise Ship Party (well, not really new, but returning from last year) today and I wanted to post a tour, just to remind you guys of what it was, and to explain it to new jammers! ^.^

This is the spawning area. 

To the right of the spawning area, there is this awesome pool surrounded by beach towel! And if you don't want to do a cannonball into the pool, try climbing up the ladder and sliding down the slippery water slide! XD

You can also head over to the very front of the ship where you can watch the dolphins play and splash about!

To the left of the spawning area, you can climb up a ladder and check out this cozy nook with a shop, observation platform and comfy beach chair to relax on!

In the nook with the observation platform, there is also a shop! You can buy inner tubes, lounge chairs, life preservers, patio chairs, ships in bottles and sunny beach towels! (Tip: Not many jammers know about this, but if you change the color of the inner tube to the very last color, you get a cool doughnut inner tube! It looks good enough to eat! :D)

There is also a smoothie stand where you can get a cold, refreshing fruit smoothie, and right next to that, you can buy your very own smoothie machine!

The Cruise Ship Party is always one of my favorite parties! ^.^

Anyways... the winner for last week's Saturday Commission Raffle is... hnylovely! Her chosen number of 59 was closest to the number that the random number generator chose, which was 72! She wins 1 custom header, 1 custom 'Grab My Button' code, 3 custom signatures and 1 custom graphic

For today's raffle, I will be giving away 2 custom graphics, 1 custom signature, 3 sidebar images and 1 Movement Pack! Comment a number from 1 - 50 for a chance to win!

I better go contact my teachers (by email) to see if I missed any assignments yesterday. >.< Gotta go, jammers! See ya!



  1. Good job! I have the black spiked armor. I find it the best color. Weren't the horn armors in epic wonders last time? -d66864 on AJ


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