Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Porch Swing + New Fate Blog!

Hi jammers! I had darn clarinet lessons during Social Studies today, so I have to make up 6 pages worth of writing and boring stuff about Greece. :P So that's why this post will be so quick. Oh, and I also have an 8 page math packet to do as well. >.< And 3 sheets of writing and 7 pages of reading for French homework...

The new item is the porch swing in Treetop Gardens!

And I made a mini-blog for Fate, so you can check that out by clicking below:

Sorry jammers, got to go! Hopefully I can post later!



  1. dwqnfkelq.HNFE;Q what there in stores now ARE YOU KIDDING ME I TRADED SO GOOD FOR 1 OF THEM ;-; mejehehe whyyy :(

    1. Yeah, that's whats so annoying about Animal Jam. >.<

  2. I really like Greek culture along with China and Egypt. I find those are really interesting. Pompeii would be also nice to know about. Anyway, they should loosen up on homework! You have a LOT! -d66864 on AJ

    1. Oh and I love the Fate blog but can you have Anonymous jammers comment too? I only see OpenID and other things but no Anonymous. :( -d66864 on AJ

    2. Yeah, I like those cultures as well, it's just that we've been learning about Greece for 3 months now, and there isn't much else to learn, and now we just have a bunch of tests and worksheets. :T

      And sure! The Blogger system automatically disables Anonymous comments when a blog is first created, so I forgot to change it. ^.^


  3. Hey! This blog is really awesome!
    I was wondering... how did you get the Animal Jam font? What's it called?


    1. Wait, never mind! I figured it out! 'Tiki Island'!
      Thank you anyway!

    2. Derp, another question
      Where did you download/generate yours?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I got mine from the link below:
      It didn't give me any viruses or anything. ^.^

  4. This is an amazing blog! Please keep doing it!

  5. Pawsome blog! (I typed more on my newest blog post that I have yet to publish.) :D

    1. Thank you! :D And I read your post about it--I can't wait for it!!!!


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